The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Just for starters...
Hiya, I'm Melanie Jayne Chisholm, 23, I'm a Capricorn and I'm Sporty Spice.
Recorded in mid-1997, when she really was 23 :-)
Great laugh
Ha ha ha...
Melanie on the others...
Geri, I just thought Geri was off her head, totally doolally, which is true.
Mel B
So when I, when I first met Mel B I thought she was really cool. I thought,
Northerner, yes! Emmm, always a bit of a nutter. I mean, still the same
as what I think of her now really.
Victoria, I thought... she made me laugh because, because I'm quite, quite
tomboyish I suppose, and to see someone like, cause when we got together, oh
well I've known Victoria for quite a long time, but like we...we must have been
late teens when we first like started hanging around together and stuff, and
erm, she used to make me laugh cause she always used to have like a handbag and
high heels on and I used to think "bit old before her time" d'you know what I
mean - there was me in me trainers and me rucksack d'you know what I mean,
nothing's changed like! But err, yeah I thought, I used to laugh at her because
she was a lady. But then when she opens her mouth she's "awright, in't she, d'you
know what I mean? Greaat!", hehehe. So she's not really Posh Spice, she should
be Common Spice.
Happy Birthday Dad!
Can I just say something before we start? (Oh goodness me. Yeah, she's got to).
Daddy, happy birthday, I love you! (aaaaahhh that's nice, happy birthday, happy
birthday Mel's dad, that's nice)
Me mums, like, singing influenced me. Erm, I dunno, it's just something I've always
wanted to do. But she never pushed me, you know, she never said, oh you know... she
just always said to do what makes you happy, cause I did really do more dancing before
singing, so it just sort of came about naturally. I think my favourite was always ballet,
but I've not got the physique for it, so I couldn't do being a ballerina.
She's the best mum in the world, but everyone's going to say that about their mum, aren't
they? ...well, not everyone. Emm, she's very very talented young lady...I'll call her young,
she'll love me for that! She's one of my best friends in the whole wide world.
My stepfather Dennis, hiya!, emm, I get on with him fine. I think when I was a bit younger
I was a little bit like, you're not my dad, you can't tell me what to do. But as I grew up
I realised, d'you know what I mean, he loves me, I love him, like we look after each other.
He's cool.
I wanna see Damon Albarn from Blur, because Blur are the best band in the world.
So, take it away Damon...
Kids From Fame
First record I ever bought was, emm, Kids From Fame, one of their albums...haha! I used
to love that Leroy in his tights and all that legwarmers. But err yeah, I used to jump
around to all the old Fame songs... I still do that, I do. It's really funny right, my
neighbours must hate me, because every now and again, if I've, you know, if I'm a bit bored,
if I've got a night off - IF I've got a night off! - I stick the old Madonna on and I do
Madonna's concerts in me living room.
Favourite songs
See, the thing is with our songs, like, we're really sad because we love all of our songs, so
we just do, we just love doing any of them really, don't we? (Yeah. I mean, obviously you do
the one you're promoting at the time, so.) And the one's that you wanna hear because like
everyone wants to hear Wannabe because everyone really loved that.
Favourite videos
One of my favourite Spice Girls videos is Mama, and one of my all time favourite videos is
Madonna and Vogue.
Come and 'ave a go Liam...
I just wanna say... LIAM! Come and 'ave a go if you think you're 'ard enough!
The infamous Brits '97 comment :-)
About their music
When I look at our music and our lyrics, everything we write about is things that we feel strongly
about and things that, you know, we've been through.
Can't please everybody...
You can't please everybody, d'you know what I mean? So what we do is, we do what we enjoy and
we please ourselves, and the bonus is that like, the rest of the world just sort of fell for it, d'you
know what I mean, and they're enjoying it too. So hopefully, like, America will get on board.
The second album is the flippin' pants mate!
What's with the SUYL video?
We like to do things different, you know what I mean. I mean, it would be so obvious to have, like,
a big carnival video and we thought, naah that's too obvious man, we've got to make everyone think -
what are they up to... (what's going on? And we have!)
Winning the Best Group EMA
Aaah, what can I say! Well, it's, it's an honour to be even nominated against such fantastic acts
like that. But to win... is just off its head, d'you know what I mean.