The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Top of The Pops Specials
Learning to be a popstar
I think I've benefited from, erm, my training because I'm very disciplined, which sometimes can
be annoying to other people, but I'm thankful for it myself. You know, you wouldn't think I
wanted to be a ballerina but I did, but I never had the physique for it so... but in my heart all
I ever wanted to be was a pop star, but I just didn't know how to do it, 'cause you don't get
taught that at school, like, they don't say "and if you want to be a pop star", you know what I
mean, "you flunk all your exams" hehehe... No, they never teach you how to do that.
Life in the beginning
When we were inbetween managers it was quite a scary time, but we never admitted it to each other,
because there was always, like, this underlying thing that we knew we were going to be alright.
But I've always felt like that, you know, just all the way through life, 'cause like, I was unemployed
for two years, and I was a trained dancer and that, and I was really down and, you know, really
depressed, but there was this little thing inside that sort of said "don't worry, you're going to be
alright", and, erm, I think that's what gives you, like, the drive to go on and try and achieve things.
It was a fun time, it's the hard times I think when you have the best times, isn't it. Because, you
know, we had no money, we had nothing. Geri had the little battered Fiat that we used to crash every
five minutes, we'd all be piled in the back of that, and that's when we wrote Wannabe and 2 Become 1,
and so some fantastic music came out of that time as well.
I've never wanted anything else. Madonna's my idol, and I just wanted to be like her...but not as sexy,
hehe, I'm not into the sexy thing, as you probably can guess...
Taking the mick...
If in any way we play on it, it's all in good fun. D'you know what I mean, we always like to take the
mickey out of ourselves anyway, because we say if you can't take the mickey out of yourself you can't take
the mickey out of anyone else. And it wouldn't be much fun if you couldn't take the mickey out of people
now, would it hehe, it's my favourite pasttime actually!
Even though I've not lived with my real father for a number of years, we're very very close, we always have been,
so my dad has been there for me. I mean, I'm quite jammy really. I didn't think so when I was a kid, 'cause
like, all me mates had mums and dads, but I've got two mums and two dads, d'you know what I mean, so I've got
double, bonus, more Christmas presents, nice one...
Where to live?
If I couldn't live in England, and I had to live somewhere else it would be America, and I think it's 'cause
it's probably the most British place, d'you know what I mean? 'Cause you can get English things, and you
can understand, you know, 'cause they speak the same language...well, sort of, even that can be a bit
difficult. I think New York's my favourite place because it reminds me of London.
I haven't got a boyfriend at the moment, unfortunately, but I haven't got time for one, have I? I think if I had
one it'd be more difficult because, you know, I'm so busy and, you know, I miss me family and I don't get to see
them, so imagine if I had a boyfriend, then I'd never see him!
Performing live
Out of all the things that we do in the Spice Girls, performing live is my favourite favourite thing, I just wish
we could do that every single day. But being in a pop group isn't as simple as that... Istanbul was absolutely
fantastic, I have never ever been so petrified in my entire life, and I was completely overwhelmed, and, like, I
got a lump in me throat and I couldn't sing, like, the first chorus 'cause I was going "Ii ee caan daance, Ii ee
caan dance" and I had to hold back the tears, and I thought "MELANIE, pull yourself together!", so I had to.
Don't really think that you should eat too many crisps, 'cause they're not that good for you...but Walkers are the
best, I've always thought that! But, erm, I just think it's good for the Spice Girls because there's, there's no
way on earth that our record company could afford the mass advertising that Pepsi or Walkers can do, so it's
fantastic for us, and we just want to be, you know, seen throughout the whole world - we want to be the biggest
superstars that ever lived.
I have the utmost respect for Geri, d'you know what I mean, I think she's got a fantastic body so go for it girl!
But personally, I'm a bit shy about my body. I wouldn't show me bits, but I like doing, like, you know, tasteful
photographs, I like doing, you know, when they make you up so that you look gorge when you're a dog, hehehehehe...
Elle Magazine... Erm, yeah, I'm into all that looking, like, really gorgeous when you're not. If you've got
beauty, show it off.
Favourite bits of the film?
For me, it's got to be the performances. There's a performance of Too Much at Top Of The Pops, I loved doing
that. We've got an old performance of Wannabe, which was a laugh, and, erm, the finale is a performance of Spice
Up Your Life. They're my favourite bits, 'cause although I love acting, it's really good fun, but I'm a singer.
I don't want to give too much away, but there's always a chase in a movie, isn't there, and the final couple of
scenes are really funny, so look out for them.
Getting onto Top Of The Pops
To actually get onto Top Of The Pops was, like, a childhood ambition.
What the family thinks...
They still don't believe it's me, really. I think when they see me on the telly they just think "ohh, there's Mel
C", they don't think it's me, d'you know what I mean. They think it's quite funny, they laugh at me, they take the
mickey out of me, hehe.
Where's Geri?
Geri's always getting locked in the loo. Whenever we do anything, right, and, like, it's oh, "where's Geri, where's
Geri?", and it's like "I bet she's in the toilet", and she's always in the toilet, honest to God. She spends her
life on the toilet.
Writing Too Much
When we were writing this song, it's, it's quite special to me. It's like, you know, writing it, it's about, it's
about someone... who I care a lot about.
I wonder who...
The future...
I think, talking about, you know, really far ahead into the future, I mean, Spice Girls we've got so much to do,
you know, we're all really strong, we're really determined to like, carry on and go from strength to strength. But
emm, obviously, you know, we're women, we wanna, we wanna get married, we wanna have kids, there's loads of stuff
we wanna do. But we're such good mates we'll always be together.
What else is there to do?
Hopefully, if possible, I never want to do anything else. I can't do anything else. D'you know what I mean?
It's like, this is it now. Now I've had me like, me little time on Top Of The Pops and, you know, me few little
number ones and stuff, it's like, if it stops then I dunno what I'm going to do.