The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
TFI Friday
The question I long to be asked :-)
Chris, what do you want?
Oooh, I can think of one or two, umm, hundred things... Shame the Chris
in question wasn't me. Ho hum...
Melanie on boyfriends, again...
(Is it true that you have trouble getting a man?) Hehehe, I think the truth is, that
I`m just really not that bothered at the moment. (Really?) Yeah. (She likes women!
Does she? Because I heard you had trouble getting a man not because you`re not beautiful
or attractive, you just, you just don`t, you can`t find the right guy at the moment, is
that right?). D`you know what, no-one really interests me to tell you the truth (really,
nobody at all on the planet?) well, not that I`ve met, I mean there`s loads of people I
haven`t met yet. (Do you get lots of advances?) Emm, no....hehehe. (It must be difficult
though, musn`t it, because you, you`re swished out of your gigs and you`re straight into
a car and you`re straight off and you probably never get to meet anyone.) Yeah, no, we,
we get the chance, but you know, I believe in fate so I know he`s out there waiting for me.
(Yeah, and what would he be like?) I don`t know. (What`s the most important thing?) Err,
a sense of humour, he`s got to make me laugh. (Is that true though, because all girls say
that, but, OK, yeah, but...) ...no no, but he`s got to look good as well (exactly!)
Introducing that dance class video...
(But we have got time to show another tape that I don`t think`s been seen before, but once
again only) no, actually, I`ve been stitched up the most here because everybody`s seen all
the others, they`ve all been on telly, but this one has never been seen. (Do you know which
one it is?) yeah (OK, it`s the one where you`re in a dance class) at college (yeah).
Things to do on your day off
Well, I was quite busy yesterday (what did you do?) I had a few appointments (yeah), errm,
actually, erm, I went to see a spiritualist (did you?) mmm (and what did the spiritualist
tell you?) Weelll, I don`t want to give too much away but it`s, the future`s looking very
bright, for the Spice Girls (OK, in which particular department?) Err, in every
department (yeah?) personal, professional, yeah, it`s all a big thumbs up.
Feeling thirsty?
(Do you want to get off again then?) Yeah (OK, where you going, what you going to do?)
Um, I`m just going to go for a beer or something, I dunno. (Alright, well just before you
go, just read that out for us) OK, OK, in part two we try and get a rope around the global
shockwave that is the Spice Girls. All singing, all chatting, all hell will not only be
let loose but will be given new boots and shiny knuckledusters.
Home is...
Home is where the heart is.
American ticket sales
In L.A. we sold out that venue in seven minutes.
Spice on a String
Yeah, we`ve been on the end of this string all day!
Something a bit special...
Melanie's mum sings a Tina Turner number...
Specifically, "Steamy Windows". And she's not half bad at it either...