The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Chris Moyles' Radio Show...
Intelligent Spice?
(Since then I've thought, "she is very clever, I like Mel C") Well I don't
think anybody's ever said that to a Spice Girl before, have they! (I think
they have) hehe...
Romance rumours and new tattoos...
(There was one in the paper this week) Ooh, and what was that? (About the
fact that you're going out with the guy from the Red Hot Chili Peppers).
Ohhh, no... I do know Anthony, I met him over in L.A., he came to one of our
shows, and he's a very good friend of mine. And actually he took me to his
tattoo artist and I got a new tattoo! (Did you really?) Mmm (What did you
get?) It's, emm, a lotus flower and some Tibetan writing (wow) mmm, it's
very nice (and where is it?) I'll have to show you sometime (where is it?)
It's on the base of my spine (really) mmhmm (that means the top of your arse)
hehehe it does! (that's what that means) hahaha (you can show that to me any
time... How many tattoos have you got now?) hehehe, err, one two three four
five...six. (Jeez, and your mother's pleased about this?) Yeah, well she's
got one as well, she's got the same one as me on her shoulder (oh god, that's
right, she has) mmm (you're nuts!) I know (what are you doing, you and your
mother getting identical tattoos, that would never happen with my mother) It's
a bit mad innit. I was shocked when she wanted it actually, but it's
pretty cool.
L.A. Parties
Actually, tell you a bit of a Courtney Love story (go on) When we were in L.A.,
err, her daughter came to see the show, and then afterwards we got invited to
Courtney Love's party! (Really?) Yeah, so that was really interesting, there
was loads of famous people there (was that good fun?) yeah it was (do you like
meeting famous people?) Emm, it's funny because like, especially with a thing
like that, 'cause we've never been to like an L.A. party like that before (yeah)
and so we was there and we was just looking at everyone, but the thing is
everyone was just looking at us (yeah) know what I mean, and we're going "ooh,
what are you looking at us for?" (cause you're the Spice Girls) I know, but
especially in America you don't, you forget you're famous. (Do you appreciate
the fact that you can't pick your nose without someone going "MEL C'S PICKING
HER NOSE!") Hehe, I don't care, everyone picks their nose, don't they (well
yeah, but nobody gets in the papers for picking their nose) well, I suppose
it's quite nice to be talked about, at least people, well someone must be
bothered to print it, musn't they?
(And thank god by the way you don't wear those crappy shell suits any more)
Hehe, I've NEVER worn a shell suit in me life! (well, you know what I mean)
So, are you really seeing someone, and is it a bloke?
Emmm, I might be... (Are you really?) Mmmmmm, possibly... (alright) sort
of... (what's his name?) I'm not going to say that... (Is it a boy
or a girl?) Oh, it's a boy! (OK, right) yeah, let's quash them rumours
now (yeah, OK) I am actually straight.
Best thing about being a Spice Girl
The best thing... probably what I'm doing tonight - just getting up there on
stage and singing live.
Do you get nervous?
Yeah I do actually. We're really nervous now 'cause like we're back home and
it's really important to us, like, doing these home gigs.
Worst thing about being a Spice Girl
The worst thing... probably, erm, this is quite a funny one, it's a double
edged sword, it's like the best and the worst is like all the travelling.
Cause it's really great to be able to go to all fantastic places, but you get
so tired and so homesick, I think that's probably the worst thing.
How can you tell if someone is being honest with you?
I think, you know, that could be quite difficult, but you, you always sort of
know by your instincts, don't ya? You know what I mean, hopefully like, you
only sort of attract people who are quite honest and that.
And is your boyfriend?
I think so, I hope so (OK) He better had be!
So, is he a showbiz type, or a real person?
No, he's a real person. But showbiz people... well, most showbiz people who
I've met are real as well, everyone's the same.
Are you pregnant yet?
No, I'm not (who's next, is it you or Emma, that's next?) hehe, I don't
know, well it won't be me, I'm just not ready for that right now.
What about the Christmas single?
Christmas single, yeah, we're really excited about this one, it's lovely, you
know, ooh it might be one of our best! Well, that's what I think (What's it
called?) Emm, I don't actually know if we're going to give the title out
just yet (cause I've heard a rumour of what it's going to be called) have you?
(yeah, I've heard it's going to be called "Goodbye") Oh. OK then, yeah, it's
called "Goodbye" (And why is it called "Goodbye"?) Emm (Is this, is that it?)
Is that it? (yeah) oh, you mean for the Spice Girls? (yeah) oh no, nonononono,
it's just the title of the song! (you wouldn't lie to me then?) No, oh I swear
on my life this is not the end of the Spice Girls (there you go) definitely!
(wahey!) I know everyone's waiting for it, but sorry, it's not gonna come. No,
it's called "Goodbye" and it's just, you know, about friendships and
relationships and when it comes a time to say goodbye (aaah) and that's it.
(Number one again) That would be nice, but you know, you never know.