The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Miami Spice
What'll you miss about Geri?
She's good fun. She always used to laugh at my jokes, she was the only one
who used to laugh at me jokes.
What did you do together?
We used to train down the gym together. We used to spend a lot of time
rehearsing, I used to help her with her dancing.
We'd just like to thank...
And I think we'd like to, erm, formally thank Gazza for taking the limelight
off us for them couple of days (that was what it was!), cheers mate!
In response to the question "Why do you think the press weren't all over
the Geri split story like they were with the Simon Fuller sacking one?" For
those of you who don't know, Gazza (AKA Paul Gascoigne) is a well known
footballer here in the UK, and at the same time that Geri split from the
Spice Girls, Gazza was dropped from the England World Cup team. The British
media, being very fond of sports stories, naturally concentrated on him and
left the Girls alone, relatively speaking...
Relationships again, but with a difference...
(And you are the only Spice Girl who is still single, is it 'cause you're too
discerning?). I'm working on it, but erm... (Oh right, who you going after?
Is he what, is he in the music industry?) Sort of. (Is he the record producer
kind of field?) Might be... (That means he is) He's not. (Is he a singer?)
I'm not, you're, you always play this game... no! (Right, what's his name?)
No... (Come on!) no... (I tell you it will work, I promise you. OK, tell me
the first letter of his first name... oh for heavens sake... you're blushing now!)
Whoah, Melanie's actually admitting that she's interested in someone, this
makes a change! "Sort of" in the music industry, hmm... The shelf stacker at
her local record shop, perhaps? Or maybe, and I know this is really pushing
the limits of credibility, the creator of a music-related website :-) Come
and get me Melanie, you'll have no problem catching me...
Angel tattoo - the answer
(You've had another tattoo done, haven't you) I have... this is my new one (Angel)
Angel. (Now is that, you know, one could immediately think Robbie Williams but he's
going out with someone in All Saints. So why Angel?) Because I like the perfume...
You know when you feel there's an angel watching over, you know, and like recently I
lost somebody very close to me, and it's just sort of like, just to say, you know, I
know you're there, kind of thing.
So now we know. Rather sad, but as reasons go, that's about as good as you'll
find. And no, I don't know who the "somebody very close" was, and to be quite honest,
I don't want to know - there's a limit to how far we should dig into someone's
personal life, and searching for this bit of information would go beyond that limit.
If she wants to tell us, then fine. But if she'd rather keep it private, then we
should respect that.
Inspiring girls to do their own thing
I think maybe to, to, for them to think, "well, they're doing it, so so can I". It
was difficult for us to get magazine covers and stuff like that 'cause girls don't
sell magazines, and we come up against that. And like, and then we went on the cover
and sold the most magazines that that magazine has ever sold, d'you know what I mean?
So now they'll put All Saints on the cover, they'll put Cleopatra on the cover, 'cause
girl bands RULE!
The next Madonna?
(Everybody says, out of all the Spice Girls, when you all go solo, you ARE the next
Madonna) Oh really, wow! (You know, does that interest you?) Mmm, err, ye, slightly!
A plaintext version of this can't truly do justice to the amount of eagerness
she manages to insert into saying those last few syllables. Using the word "slightly"
might make it seem like she isn't that interested in the suggestion, but the way she
says it indicates otherwise!
Bill Clinton
(You've met Nelson Mandela, you've met Prince Charles, when will you be going down to
see Bill?) Actually (hmm, yeah)... I dunno though, he likes the ladies, doesn't he,
I might stay away from that one (well, 'cause you are the only single one) Ooh, ooh
watch out girl! (I can see it now) hehehe (Bill for Mel!)