The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Spice Girls in America
What's it like to get started on the tour?
To finally get on tour was, more than anything, was a relief I think,
because when you want to do music, you want to write music, and you
want to perform, that is all you wanna do, you want to be on stage
singing your stuff. But to be in the music industry it`s just not
like that and what you really want to do you don`t get much chance to
do, you know what I mean, we spend a lot of our time doing promotional
trips and, you know, a lot of TVs where you have to mime to... and
it`s just... It`s still fun, the whole, the whole thing is fun. But
to finally get on tour is what it`s all about really.
Men and toilets...
Do all men use urinals or do some of them go in toilets just to pee?
Gaah, I couldn`t get me gear out in front of a complete stranger,
d`you know what I mean.
Some more acting work, perhaps?
We`d like to do Friends... emm, what other stuff? We`d like to do
other movies, wouldn`t we (yeah) mmm (yeah... Mel wants to do
Baywatch) ...`cause I`ve got such huge breasts, he he he...
Nuts about football...
(Much shouting and screaming...) What happens right, say we lose this,
have we got to win the next one to get through? (We`ve got to beat
Columbia to get through, we`ll go through second place and that means
we`ll play Argentina in the next round) Nice... not good... (no)...
COOMEE ONN!!! AAWWWW!!! He`s too sexy to let in a goal!
Beckham and THAT red card
I was just gutted, absolutely gutted. I think, you know, like you`re
saying about David as well, I`m very passionate about football, but
then, having like one of my friends out there on the pitch as well,
it`s a bit more personal too...so, especially after the battering he
took, which he didn`t deserve. So that was, you know, and obviously
Victoria was worried which upsets me because I worry about her too.
So it was a pretty tough time.
Des O'Letterman???
I think when you`re an artist in Britain and to get Letterman is...
(like wow man, you get Letterman!)... it`s like doing the Des O`Connor
(No it`s NOT, no it`s not like doing Des O`Connor!) It is, it`s
the same sort of calibre isn`t it? (Nooo! No, this is much bigger.
This is more elite than that... sorry Des).
Madison Square Gardens nerves
I`m really really nervous about tonight, I probably... like there`s
key dates that we`ve done like Wembley, and Manchester for me, and our
first UK gig like in Glasgow as well, but I`m really nervous about
tonight. I was really nervous about the first gig in America, the
Miami gig, but I`m super duper nervous tonight because Madonna`s
watching, and like she`s just my idol.
Geri's departure...
I just couldn`t believe it, it`s like, we always bicker, and, you know,
we`re girls, you know what I mean, everyone has little arguments and
ructions and stuff. But since we got on tour it`d been cool, we`d been
having such a laugh, we hadn`t been rowing, we`d just been having a
really good time. In fact, the night, the day before she actually left,
I remember our conversation, we were all sitting on the plane, we were
flying back to England and we were having such a giggle and you know,
we were really being silly and having a laugh, and then, next thing you
know, she`s gone.
Credit where it's due
It`s quite difficult, it`s quite frustrating as well for people,
because at the end of the day, you know, we put on a fantastic show,
and us four get the praise. But it`s not just us four, you know what
I mean. We just get up there and sing. There`s like, there`s the band,
you`ve got dancers, you`ve got the guy who does the lighting and the
sound, and then you`ve got the guys who`ve been up for the last 14
hours building the stage set, down to the caterers who`re feeding
us... Everybody has got such an important role in the tour, and I
think there`s about a hundred and sixty people in total, which I don`t
actually think for the scale of the show and the work that is done, I
don`t think it`s actually that much. `cause even just trying to deal
with my own things like booking flights and stuff like that, you need to
think about everything, like getting clothes, and getting to places
on time, and (DRINNNNG DRINNNG) arranging cars... telephone... Hello?
Hi mum, I`m in the middle of an interview... alright then, you going
bowling?... alright then, have a nice time... love you!
Fear of failure
Every night as we stand behind the doors I think to myself "I can`t get
through it, I can`t do it, I can`t do it, I just can`t" And then as
soon as the doors open and you get out there, I know this is the old
cliche, but you do, and it`s finished and you think "That was so much
fun, and that was so easy". It`s really funny, even though you get
through it every night, there`s always that fear that you`re not going
to make it through this show.
Travelling is a pain
With all the travelling and everything, I mean, that is the hard part.
Being on stage is easy. I mean, it`s very physically demanding but it`s
so enjoyable, that is just the easy bit. Emm, but it is the travelling
that really takes it out of you. You know, finishing the show, late
night, getting on a bus, getting on a jet, you know, you`re not getting
into bed until like 3 or 4 o`clock in the morning. And sometimes you
feel like all you are doing is travelling, it feels like you don`t stand
still for like 2 minutes...
The two pregnancies
Well, the thing is, we don`t actually have crises, the papers just
think we have... Two of the band are pregnant... big deal, so what!
There`s millions and billions of women pregnant all over the world, what
is the big deal? D`you know what I mean, it is fantastic, it`s such,
it`s so great. Especially since both of them are in really good
relationships, you know, they`re both looking to get married, settle
down, you know, and having a child is, is a gift.
Going home...
(How much are you looking forward to going home?) I can`t explain, I feel
so sick, I feel sick, for I am that nervous, `cause it`s been such a big massive
buildup, and like, we are that close now... two days, TWO DAYS, and it`s
like, phew, I just can`t believe it, I can`t believe we`re actually
going to get there. And like I`ve been looking through my diary and it`s
just pages and pages and pages, and now it`s two... it`s amazing.
(Will the performance in Dallas feel any different to the others?) I think
I`m gonna be really upset, really really upset. Because although we have got some
shows when we get home it`s like, it`s a big old family innit, the tour, and
it`s a security blanket, and having the luxury of being able to sing live
on stage, you know, week in week out, and it`s all going to be taken away,
it`s really going to freak me out.