The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Bits and Pieces 1
If a bloke's going to get scared off then he's not the sort of bloke you want to be
bothering with anyway.
The worst thing that's happened to me... it's got even worse, even harder, to try and find a boyfriend...
Boyfriends again...
(Well, you have a boyfriend now, but...) No, I haven't got a boyfriend... (I thought you were going out
with the guy from Liverpool?) Hehehe, no... (what happened?) I haven't got a boyfriend (aw gosh) I
haven't had a boyfriend for years, Ruby. (Is that because they're too embarrassed to go up to you or
you're too embarrassed to go up to them? I could fix you up with somebody) Could you? (Yeah... Is that
what, I mean, is it just that you can see guys but they just don't have the nerve?) Erm, I don't know, Em,
I don't know what it is, I'm just not lucky in love I suppose...
Sounds like you've got problems finding a bloke
Errrm... well, guys have always been tricky for me!
Have you had your heart broken?
Yes, I've had my heart broken quite a few times.
Who'd do a thing like that to Melanie?
Boyfriends, with a twist :-)
(That's it, we've pretty much covered all boyfriends... no it isn't, apart from
Melanie! apart from Mel!) I haven't got a boyfriend at the moment (Liar! Yeah,
you always say that, you are such a liar! She has! she has! You are such a dark
horse, because throughout your career I've monitored your boyfriend situation and
you're always the [BEEP...] I should get out more, I know! And I know you always
say you haven't got a boyfriend and you always do that thing where you go "ah, I
can never get a boyfriend"... she's gagging... and I KNOW you're lying) I'm not! (you
are) it's completely true! It's sad... (love is in the air...)
No, I don't know if they were just joking, or if not, who the mystery man is...
How many pressups can you do, Melanie?
You know what, I'm not very good at them. It's a bit hard for girls, I reckon I could probably do about ten,
like proper ones.
How many pressups can you do now?
Ah, well, I don't do them every day. But, erm, it depends, erm, cause you do
all different ones don't you, so, so like 50 of them, 50 of them, whatever,
maybe about 200 different ones.
Bit of an improvement on last time she was asked :-)
She doesn't just like football...
Well, you know I love footy (uh-huh) but I do like rugby as well, being
from Widnes.
...but then again...
I am REALLY looking forward to the World Cup, but unfortunately we`re
going to be in America, so I`ll be watching it all on the box.
What's your best sporting achievement?
When I was fourteen I was in this, like, in this high jump competition at school, you know like school sports day, and
erm I beat all the girls, like, in high jump, and then I outjumped all the boys as well... and I still hold the
schools world record!
Favourite subject at school
My favourite subject at school was...I reckon PE actually...being Sporty Spice! No, I did, I really did
enjoy PE. I mean, I used to love music and drama and. like. dance and everything, but I used to like playing
netball and hockey and gymnastics and that, yeah, I loved sport.
First kiss
You see, when it comes to things like this, I'm really shy about talking about things like that. But I tell
you, my first kiss, I think I was, must have been about thirteen, something like that. I was in high school
and it was my boyfriend and it was in the school playground and... I'm not saying any more 'cause I'm too
embarrassed. I think me mum always used to embarrass me 'cause she always used to fancy me boyfriends. She
did, didn't you mum, you did!. No, she'd actually go "oh, he's lovely".
Growing up with lads
I think I've always, erm, 'cause I've got a lot of brothers, I've got five brothers, so I've always really
got on with lads quite a bit better than girls, so at school I didn't really get on with the girls that well.
I mean, I had a few, like, really good girlfriends, but I used to get on with the lads a bit better.
When you've got a hangover
If you've ever got a hangover, don't talk to Mel B or Geri, 'cause they'll just hurt your head.