The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Bits and Pieces 2
Brit Awards nerves
(Are you nervous the lot of you?). Yeah... (Mel, you're not, you're never nervous, I don't believe it...) I'm
very nervous. (Really, honestly?) Yeah. Nervous about the performance but not about the awards. That's like,
I mean, it's great to get nominated d'you know what I mean.
The reason we're the way we are is 'cause, like, growing up in England in the time that we have,
so I think that most girls our age feel the same.
Living together
Emm, we're all quite different, you know what I mean, you get morning people and night people,
and like, I am a morning person - I'm up early every day and I like to go to bed early as well,
and, ah, Boring Spice... And errm, but Emma and Mel B are like nightbirds, so we really used to clash
with our times, you know what I mean, and they'd be up dead late at night and that, and then I'd be up
in the morning going down the gym and they're like "shut up, you're waking me up!" and during the
night I'm "I wish you'd turn that music down!"
Being feminine
But I mean, it wasn't even consciously more feminine, I just wanted to wear a dress and shoes, d'you know
what I mean? I know that sounds a bit silly because that is feminine, but I feel feminine when I've got
my trackie on because I'm a girl.
Melanie describes Independence Day
Now if you lot haven't been out to see Independence Day, you need your head tested. Independence Day - WHEOOOH
WOOOH BOOH BOOH! - these aliens come down in great big spaceships - EEEEKKK EEEEKK EEEEK! - and try and destroy
the earth!
Wanna play?
Wanna play...ball?
The Whole Thing...
That's the whole thing about the Spice Girls, it's about positivity 'cause there's been so much negativity in
the whole world, in politics, in music, in everything. We've just got to have a laugh, d'you know what I mean,
we're not here for ever, life's a bit short, so let's just have a good time.
In their spare time
We like, keep ourselves occupied, there's always something to do. We watch a bit of telly or we just usually
chat, we always have a giggle. You know, there's five of us so if you get bored with Geri then you just talk to
Emma, you know what I mean!
On the paparazzi
Well, I mean, you know, we went into this profession knowing that that was all part and parcel of it, but I mean
obviously, I do think that they do go too far sometimes, d'you know what I mean, and hopefully, you know, there's
a lesson that can be learned through this tragedy.
The tragedy being the death of Princess Diana
No time to think...
Well we don't even have time to think, it's just like, oh, go onto the next thing, go onto the next thing, d'you
know what I mean, it's just like, you just don't stop, you never stop.
Who're your idols?
Emm, my idols... I've always been a really massive Madonna fan. Erm, me mum's very influential in my life
as well. Emm, a lot of people, you know, a lot of sports people as well, 'cause em, I really admire people who
are determined and ambitious, I really find that attractive in people.
Actually, we were really lucky, erm recently, we was at the MTV awards in New York and we met an idol of mine which
is Madonna, and she actually said that she really liked our music, especially Mama.
What's with wearing trousers all the time?
I've always been a tomboy so I've always been, I never get me legs out, that's a no no, never see me in a skirt.
I'm always wearing trackies or jeans...
Off to see Santa!
We're here in Finland, Lapland, come to see Santa Claus. Seen him before, nice geezer, nice geezer. I've
been good all year so I'm going to get plenty of pressies.
American clothing labels are confusing...
Pat, what does, you know on tights, you don't call them tights, (pantyhose), you know pantyhose? (No, I think
those are tights). Well what does control top mean?