The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Bits and Pieces 3
What's your favourite thing to take on holiday?
My favourite thing, well, this is a bit icky this one, my favourite thing is these four, I always take them
with me... (aaaaawwww, aah Mel!)
What was your worst job?
Actually, when I first left school, I used to work in a chip shop, and there was, like, all like greasy chips and
fish all over, and....actually, that was the best job I've ever had!
What's your greatest fantasy?
My greatest fantasy would be to get, err, a journalist from a tabloid newspaper to, like, dress up, look really
ridiculous, and make a complete fool of themselves just to appear on network telly.
What's the worst habit?
Right, the worst habit, I think is... Emma's got this thing, right, she picks, you know when you get little eye bogeys
(yeah) and she, like, she plays with them (no, she plays with them?!?) wunganawunganawungana...yeah. And then I don't,
I don't wanna know whether... We all pick our nose, but everyone picks their nose. Everyone pretends they don't, but
you do, everyone picks their nose.
Do you feel lucky?
I'm not really a very, well I am...now I consider myself one of the luckiest people in the world (in the world), but as
a kid I was never really very lucky. I've never won nothing, although I did win a tenner on the lottery once. (Aw), I
was made up, it was like I'd won the jackpot!
So why not when you were younger?
Ermm, I just always felt like I was just always the one in the corner that no-one took any notice of (awwww no, really?)
Well, that's what it felt like, I dunno if it was true. (You were the plain girl?) Yeah...
Coping with the fame...
I dunno, it's wierd, you don't...right, I really like watching the Spice Girls on the telly, like, but... (you're a fan?!?)
I'm a fan of the Spice Girls, but like I watch meself and I go "aaaah yeah", but it doesn't really clock that it's me (yeah)
you know what I mean (I bet), it's like, it's like me mate, I'm watching me mate, you know "aah come on Mel", yeah, it
doesn't...and even though I look in the mirror it doesn't feel like it's me.
Any tattoos in unusual places?
I haven't got any in unusual places, you can see all mine. Probably, me, I mean
that's as unusual as it gets, on me tummy, but that isn't really unusual, is it.
Do you miss Geri?
Yes, as a friend we miss Geri a lot. But as a band I think we're really
comfortable as a four-piece now.
We feel mostly for our fans, like, like yourself Jamie (yeah?), our fans, you
know. And erm, but I know they're upset and they miss her, but she's one of
our best friends and we miss her like crazy.
Do you believe in God?
I believe in A God, not neccesarily THE God in the Bible.
When did you last go to church?
Ooh, probably, err, when I was at school we used to go to church at Christmas and
do like carol services...oh, I went to the Sacre Coeur in Paris, that's a cathedral
(did you light a candle?) yes (oh, that's nice, oh yeah, course you did, yeah)
Do you get out of the swimming pool to pee?
No, I don't always get out of the swimming pool to go for a pee, but I've
started getting a bit paranoid because we seen this comedy, I can't remember
what it was, but you know when, erm, they put this chemical in the water and it
turns purple if you pee, so I always like just do a bit and make sure there's
no purple, if it's alright I'll carry on, hehehe...
A hard tour...
This tour, it's been hard, it's gruelling, d'you know what I mean, physically,
emotionally and mentally. And you know, sometimes, if, if it's just too much
and you don't want to do it any more, then don't do it, you know what I mean.
Viva Forever and Christmas singles...
But I tell ya, if this is your favourite Spice Girls song, wait until you hear
the Christmas one. (Yeah, we've just finished recording our Christmas single in
Nashville) In Nashville! But it's lovely, we're really proud of it, it's really
sentimental song, and it's a lovely big ballad especially for Christmas (we've
got a bit of a yodel, very sentimental... now you've just made that up, didn't
you?) No, but we do line dancing to it, so watch out Steps... (we DON'T do line
dancing in it!)... Viva Forever we think will remind everyone of their summer
holidays, you know, and I think Christmas songs are special because you always
remember Christmas.