The words to the audio clips... Stuff (in brackets) are the comments of whoever else
might be in the clip with Melanie. Italicised comments are mine...
Bits and Pieces 4
So what are you doing now?
I`m working on my solo album at the moment... emm, I`m out here for a few more weeks and
then I go back home and start work on the Spice Girls album, so a busy busy beaver!
Going to be doing any more duets?
I`m talking to some people, but you know, I can`t, I can`t say nothing before it`s set in
stone `cause otherwise I`ll look a right idiot.
Who would you most like to duet with?
I`d love to work with Madonna actually... but she`s a busy lady!
How are the other girls?
Everyone`s really well. Melanie and Victoria have taken to like being mothers like ducks
to water, I can`t believe it! I was like, can you imagine Victoria, I thought she`d be
like "ooh, dirty nappies!", but she`s great, absolutely fantastic.
Melanie's performance of Going Down at V99...
Well, most of it anyway... Channel 4, in their infinite wisdom, decided to chop out about
a minute towards the end. But at least you get a good idea of what Melanie and the song
sounds like done live... and I think it's waaay better than the studio
version. Here's hoping that the live version makes an appearance as a b-side on the single