Gallery Entrance
Well, I have to admit that I prefer the new short look to the longer one, but I don't
exactly love it. Not sure why, because I like the style, and I like the colour.
There's just something about the overall look that doesn't do something for
me... Or perhaps it's just the surprise at seeing her with such short hair after
being used to seeing all that lovely long dark hair. Whatever, it's at least nice to
see her experimenting with styles, and it's particularly nice to see (or not see, if
you see what I mean :-) the absence of that godawful dog collar!
Also, this last photo is of interest, given that it's the first clear photo I've ever
seen of Melanie wearing glasses. Sure, there was that small unclear shot in one of
the early issues of their official magazine, but it wasn't conclusive evidence that
her eyesight required correction. The same cannot be said for this photo... Looking
at the original copy (you can't see it in this copy, so just trust me :-), she appears
to be slightly short-sighted.
Gallery Entrance