Am-ePhoto Beta 6.4
(27th June 1999)
There is a slowly growing collection of software to allow the Amiga to use
a variety of digital still cameras. But I couldn't find any that would work
with the Agfa ePhoto307, and so in the spirit of Amiga users across the globe,
I decided to write my own...
Latest News
27th June 1999
Beta 6.4 - Hopefully fixed the problem with handshaking not being selected
correctly, and added provisional (i.e. untested :-) support for the 230k4
baudrate supported by some newer digicams...
23rd May 1999
Beta 6.3 - No bug fixes as such, just a few timing tweaks to make life easier for
slower Amigas.
For immediate notification of all new Am-ePhoto developments, drop me an e at the
address below.
The software available for download from this page are BETA releases. Whilst I've made
every effort to ensure a low/non-existent bug count in these versions by testing on my
own Amiga/digicam configuration, I cannot make any guarantees as to the suitability of
the software on your Amiga/digicam setup. If you choose to download and use this
software, bear in mind that you will be acting as a beta tester, and any problems you
may find should be reported to me at the address below.
Also, due to the relatively rapid pace of development, I would prefer this site to
be the only site where Am-ePhoto archives can be downloaded. I've already heard about
one BBS having an old beta archive, and whilst it's nice to know this utility is
popular enough for people to want to make it more readily accessible, you must remember
that this isn't the final version, and is liable to change on a near daily basis. By
restricting access to Am-ePhoto to this site, and this site alone, I then know that
whenever someone downloads a copy of the archive, they're downloading the latest version
currently available, and not some ancient version that's riddled with long-fixed bugs...
Camera Types
I have either personally, or via beta-tester feedback, been able to confirm that
Am-ePhoto works with the following cameras.
- Agfa ePhoto307
- Epson PhotoPC
- Nikon Coolpix 900
- Nikon Coolpix 950
- Sanyo VPG-G200
- Olympus C840L/D420L
- Olympus C900Z/D400Z
It may also work with other cameras from these manufacturers, but this cannot
be guaranteed...
System requirements...
- Serial port (duh :-)
- 1MB of free memory
You will also need a JPEG viewer in order to view the downloaded photos. There
are no image display facilities within Am-ePhoto itself.

Look ma, no more custom screen!
Am-ePhoto, Beta 6.4 (65 KB - 27th June 1999)
Readme (also contained in the Am-ePhoto archive)
Links of interest...
These sites contain a varying level of information about the particular
comms protocol used by the Agfa/Olympus/Epson/Sanyo digicams, and are a
useful place to start if you want to know more about how to chat to one
of these cameras :-)
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