Gathering 2, the Second Coming

August 13th 1996

The Second North-East B5 Gathering

The Aftermath
The Post-Meeting Review
What I can remember through a Guinness induced haze...

So, the second NE meeting has drawn to a close and following a
little bit of arm twisting by Mel, here I am writing some stuff
about it, so that those that did come can have some sort of
follow-up to their night out, and so that those that didn't come
(and we KNOW who you are :-) have some idea of just what you

Well, the evening started fairly promptly, just a few minutes
after 7:30, with the arrival of Mel, towing two new faces
behind her (hi Jeff, hi Sherrie).  Following a brief
introduction, we got down to business with probably the question
most people are asking right now - could WWE have been any more
confusing?  Considering the meeting was originally to have been
last week, putting it back a week to after WWE Pt.2 seemed a
good move at this point, as such topics could safely be
discussed without any fear of spoo'ers, real or otherwise.

Shortly after this, Keith turned up and quickly annexed the
table next to ours, a shrewd move given his choice of drink,
and that of Ian, the next to arrive.  Guinness drinkers on
our table, the Caffrey's lot over there, and no prisoners.
Made the Drazi war seem rather tame in comparison :-)  Of course,
the arrival of Sean, who promptly plonked his Guinness down
in the middle of the Caffreys glasses did little to ease tensions,
and it wasn't long before security had to be called in to separate
the warring factions...

...err, wait a moment while I remember what *really* happened...

Oh yes, we talked, we waved our arms in the air, we almost started
to poke fun at the Trek mob across the room.  We discovered Ian's
apparent love of the Starfury (I'm with you on this one Ian), we
managed to avoid spending too long talking about Trek, though
Space: Above and Beyond did get a bit more time.  V got an
honourable mention, as did a variety of other related shows.  In
the main though, the topic of conversation was definitely B5, with
things veering from The Gathering right through to WWE2, and pretty
much everything inbetween.  At times some of our poor brains had a
job keeping up with the to'ing and fro'ing, but after the brain
battering that was WWE, our efforts at confusion seemed rather tame.

We even managed to come up with a plausible explanation to the
"fasten, zip or zip, fasten" question.  I'm saying no more, if you
weren't there, tough.

Saying byeeee to Jeffrey and Sheri around the 10pm mark (I think,
by this point the passage of time ceased to have any real meaning),
the remaining five (or should that be the final five) huddled closer 
together and continued the talk (and drink, musn't forget the drink, 
even if it makes you forget everything else), until chucking out time.
At this point the evening sort of ended, as evenings have a habit of
doing when faced with the imminent closure of the pub.  

So, to those that did attend, my thanks for making number 2 a bigger
and better gathering than number 1 (hmm, shades of things Centauri
here, start booking for number 6 now :-).  To those that didn't,
your names have been passed on to Nightwatch for further action.  You
can clear your names by attending the next meeting, date to be
announced in the near future, on a .social group near you.

Be seeing you at number 3

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