So, I'll now take this opportunity to say thanks to everyone past and present who've helped to make the Gatherings something more than just a bunch of people sitting in a pub - you all know who you are. And a special, nay, absofragginlutely enormous THANK YOU! to Mel and Keith, who made the Gatherings into a dream given form...
And as of now, this site will remain essentially frozen in time, to act as a reference archive for anyone interested in what was, and perhaps to serve as encouragement for someone else to take over as El Capitaine and get the Gatherings going again.
Site DirectoryWhere we meetWho we are How we keep in touch What we look like What we sing (but only when really drunk :-) What we've got up in the past Other B5 websites we like |
Site sponsored by the Earth Alliance and Nightwatch - our allies
in the fight against sedition, treason and anything else we feel like fighting...
London Babbles, Leeds Gurgles and most of Scotland forms Alliances. Until the middle of 1996, the good people of Newcastle upon Tyne and the surrounding area had nothing. Then, on one otherwise ordinary July evening, the first tentative steps were taken by a brave trio of B5 fans. Since that rather small and inauspicious start, things have come on a bit, and even though we're still a small group, we are quite, umm, fairly, hmm perhaps even vaguely dedicated... And being a small group means it's almost possible to remember everyones names after a few pints :-)
So, as the Gatherings co-ordinator, I welcome you to the Newcastle Gatherings Homepage. Come on in, make yourself comfy, and have a good browse around. Learn a bit about the regulars, read the reviews of past meetings, grimace at the photo gallery, and....oh just figure out the rest for yourselves.
We started off in the Head of Steam, down by the Central Station. Then, after 6 Gatherings, we relocated to the Tap & Spile on Grainger Street, where we stayed for the next 14 meetings. And then, with the coming of the dread Pirate Roberts, or was it the dread pub quiz, we shifted back to the Head of Steam for the next 2 until we could find ourselves a new permanent home from home. This we have now done...
As of Gathering 21, the new base of operations for the Newcastle Gatherings will be, drum roll please, the Stout Fiddler (The Pub Formerly Known As Joe Wilsons). Located a mere pebble's throw from Manors metro, right across the road from Warners cinema, it's probably the easiest pub to find that we've ever used. And it's also got the best selection of Irish beers we've had the pleasure of trying out, so even if it'd been hidden away in some unexplored corner of the city, we'd still have chosen it as our new home :-)
Come in White Star 42, your time is up...
Used for discussions of a more or less Gatherings nature, although we do occasionally get a bit off-topic (it's like a mini version of umtsb5 I guess). If you want to be added to the list, and get your own copy of the current address list, then let me know.
Here's a few alternative song lyrics that have been found lurking on the net. Grimace, groan and grunt your way through them, but only in private please :-)
Bohemian Rhapsody
As of Gathering 2, I've been writing post-meeting reviews for publication on the newsgroup. However, since not everyone reads the social group, and even those who do might not have read earlier reviews, I'm repeating them all here. I've also included a brief review of the first Gathering, for completeness, although since it occured back in July '96 my memories are a bit hazy.
Gathering 1 - July 10th
Gathering 2, The Second Coming - August 13th
Gathering 3, Grey17 is Over - September 3rd
Gathering 4, 322 - September 24th
Prime Gathering V - November 12th
Gathering 6, Farewell To The Head of Steam - 17th December
Gathering 7, Hey ho, hey ho, it's off to the Tap & Spile we go - 21st January
Gathering 8, The Untitled One - 25th February
Episode IV, Gatherers go to Tattoine - 25th March
Episode V, Four go to Bespin - 15th April
Episode VI, Returning Officer is a Jedi - 29th April
Gathering 9, Why aye man, time fer anuttha Gathering like - 13th May
Gathering 10, Pre-Season Friendly - 24th June
Gathering 11, The First Anniversary/401 - 29th July
Gathering 12, The Dirty Dozen - 26th August
Gathering 12a, I'm not superstitious... - 14th October
Gathering 14, The One Before The One Before Christmas - 25th November
Gathering 15, Pre-Chrimble Drinkies - 16th December
Gathering 16, The First One (of 1998) - 27th January
Gathering 17, G17 - Good name for a band, that... - 3rd March
Gathering 18, Where's my Levi's gone? (think about it :-) - 21st March
Gathering 19, Too Un-bizarre to Write About... - 12th May
Gathering 20, A Tale of Two Hostelries... - 3rd August 1998
Gathering 21, Sssh, you'll wake everyone up... - 25th August 1998
Gathering 22, Dearie dearie me... - 13th October 1998
Hands up who wants one :-)
There are a LOT of B5 sites out there, and everyone has their favourites. Here are mine.
The Starfury, my second favourite thing in the Universe...