Well, perhaps. Most of the guestbook entries I get from "Melanie" (or the other
Girls) are so obviously fake that they hardly warrant further investigation. But
there have been a small handful that have either resisted all attempts to prove
them to be fake, or resisted long enough to give me an enjoyable challenge. So,
here they are, in all their glory...
25th December
Melanie, 23, lives in Right now, I'm on holliers in Dublin...
Favourite Spice Girl is All of them
Chris. I just wanna say that I'm really really flattered by with this
site. I hope you have a lovely Christmas. I'm just borrowing a computer
to do one of my few surfing expeditions...
So, love lots and the next time I'm in Newcastle I'll try and get in touch...
Well, this is a surprise. For the first time ever, one of these
things has actually arrived from the right place... this did actually get sent from
a computer linked to an Irish ISP. But let's not break out the champagne just yet,
that doesn't make it genuine...
Doing a bit of digging reveals that whoever it was that sent this also submitted a vote
for the "Tattoo - like it or not?" question. Now then, how would you expect the real
Melanie C to vote? Because this one voted NO :-)
Granted, that's hardly a strong basis for declaring this to be a fake, but that, coupled
with one or two things about the comments that ring small warning bells in my mind, make
me a bit suspicious. Not enough to say for sure that this isn't genuine, but enough to
make me think that it probably isn't... but I'm quite prepared to be proved wrong ;-)
This one remains an unknown, but I haven't given up trying to find the answer...
30th December 1997
Melanie Chisholm, 23, lives in Liverpool, England
Favourite Spice Girl is All of them
Hi Chris!
Thanks for the brilliant site. I'd never had expected something like this
about me until I borrowed Geri's computer to have a look around, and I
couldn't believe that someone had actually started a site dedicated to
me! Thanks for the continuing support. I've chosen not to leave Geri's
email because of privacy, but I'll email you if I get the time. Thanks in
the meantime...
Melanie Jayne Chisholm
This one came in via an ISP based in Canada, but I had my reasons
for not instantly ignoring it because of this. And whoever sent it also voted YES in
the tattoo poll, which is more in line with what I'd expect the real Melanie to do.
However, some additional investigation, aided by a certain somebody (you know who you
are, thanks!), now suggests that this is merely a very nicely crafted fake.
To the creator, nice work, you had me partly fooled for a while there... but there was
just one teeny weeny slip-up that got me thinking it might have been fake, and there was
also one unavoidable characteristic (I'm not saying what :-) of the entry that got me more
interested in tracking it down than I otherwise would have been.
1st March 1998
Melanie *C*, 22, lives in Home?
EMail Sorry, I'm not allowed to give it out. -
Website If you type "Spice Girls" as a keyword on AOL our offcial site will come up.
I really can't pick a favorite member of my own group. But, I do like this page.
"I'd hate to say it but in a way we are ruling the world" do you know when I said that?
Keep up the good work,
Love your site.
P.S. Is That Short Enough? :-)
Love, Melanie *C*
This one isn't at all bad - someone was paying attention to her answers
during their AOL chat session last year... The smiley suggests it was written by someone with
more net-knowledge than Melanie, but the real giveaway is so obvious I'm not going to tell you
what it is, just figure it out for yourselves... 8/10 for effort :-)
21st May 1998
Melanie Chisholm, 24, On the Road right now!
Favourite Spice Girl is All of them
I am flatterd that someone has done a page about me!
The Girls thinks that this page is really nice!
I am writing this on my own Power book!
Keep it up!
And Girl Power to you all!
:) I just learned that! cool huh!
Sent via Calypso.net, an ISP based in Gustavsberg, Sweden. Which just
so happens to be all of 12 miles east of Stockholm, where the Girls had just done 2 concerts
(on the 19th and 20th)... And the 21st was a day off for them, so they might still have been
in Sweden on the 21st.
On the other hand, it could just have been written by someone in Sweden who's just been to
one of the concerts and has read a certain little comment in the concert programme...
I'd like to believe it, I really would. But though there isn't anything about it to definitely
make me suspicious, I'm just too suspicious anyway :-)
Latest news... the Girls left Sweden after the concert, so wherever they spent their day
off, it wasn't there. And since this now gives me something to be suspicious about, I
couldn't be happier ;-)