A bunch of awards...
...and a review :-)
Lord Knight Spice, 24, lives in Belleville Ontario
Favourite Spice Girl is Melanie C
EMail SpiceGirlNo1@yahoo.com -
Website Spice Girls @ Lord Knight Spice's
I am changing my link page to have the following catagories- official sites, Best sites,
and other sites. There fore I am going to every single link on my page and I am rating
them in 5 different areas- and when rate I go to every single page and check most of the
links- unless there are too many.
Now your site has been buzzed as one of the best Sites on the WEB- so that is why I put a
link to your site- and actually borrowed some things from your site to make my Melanie C
page off of my Spice Girl Page.
So here is my Review of your site- all sites that get a 3.5 or higher in each catagory plus
get a 4.25 rating get on my top link page- and I'll make the badge when I get the link page
done. Here's your rating-
Artistic Beauty- This is one very nice looking site- you have placed a lot of work on it-
though you could do a little bit more- like graphic buttons for your picture galleries.
4.25 out of 5.
html- I have noticed extra text in some of your picture page- and even if it intended- I
didn't like it
3.95 out of 5.
Content and Orginality- Your site has lots and lots of content- plus has some fairly
interesting orginial content- which gave me the giggles.
4.5 out of 5.
Lay Out- great layout- easy to get around- but no effective frames- I take away marks for
sites that do not use effective frames- my opinion
4 out of 5.
Download- All your pages come up very fast- you get a 5 out of 5 for your site.
Overall rating
Artistic Beauty- 30% of 4.25= 1.275
html- 20% of 3.9= .78
C & O- 20% of 4.5= .9
LO- 20% of 4= .8
DL- 10% of 5= .5
Total- 4.255- You made it- You get on my top link pages- Way to Go dude. After I get my Link page
done- I still have one link to go before I am done- I'll make a badge for your site and all sites
that win the award. Just to tell you how hard it to get on the top links page I have reviewed 14
sites so far- and 3 so far have gotten on the top link page. Count yourself lucky.
Gracias! Not quite sure why having comments in various gallery pages should count against the HTML rating,
I'd have thought that was more a layout issue. I used to have far more graphic elements on the site,
including within the galleries. But as the site has grown it became too much work to maintain all of them,
and the added load they placed on the server made the site inefficient - considering you've given 5/5 for
download speed, suggesting changes that would make the site slower seems a little strange, but never mind :-)
Frames... I hate them. I loathe their very existence and wish they'd never been invented. 9 times out of
10 when I visit a site using frames, they're implemented so badly that navigating the site is a nightmare,
bookmarking the correct part of the site is impossible, and I just end up feeling very irritated.
Furthermore, frames make it impossible for some people to access a site in the first place, as they rely
entirely on being able to place page elements at specific locations within the browser window. Trouble is,
not all browsers can do this - Lynx is the most obvious example, but what about HTML-to-speech/braille
browsers for the visually impaired, for instance?
And even if the browser is capable of doing it, if it's restricted to a small display area (WebTV,
handheld PCs/PDAs with small screens etc.) then by the time all the frames are laid out, there's virtually
no space left for frame content, and you end up having to scroll around everywhere. Annoying enough when
you've got a mouse, but typically these systems most affected by small screens don't have mice, so
scrolling is even more of an annoyance!
So in my opinion, deliberately not using frames because you're aware of their limitations is also an
effective use of them :-)
So, now we've got that out the way, let's try the review again, shall we...
Lord Knight Spice, 24, lives in Belleville Ontario, Canada
Favourite Spice Girl is All of them
EMail SpiceGirlNo1@yahoo.com -
Website Spice Girls @ Lord Knight Spice's
The Art Work Didn't change- so your mark doesn't change.
html- again all your new area's work- so the mark doesn't change- perfect 5 out of 5.
Lay Out- after reading what you said last month- I have lowered my stance on Frame Pages- 5 out of 5.
Orginality and Content- you keep updating your page- without adding any new sections to your site-
the mark stays the same!
Downloading- again good mark.
New Rating
AC- 30% of 4.25= 1.275
html- 20% of 5= 1
LO- 20% of 5= 1
O & C- 20% of 4.5= .9
DL- 10% of 5= .5
Overall Rating- 4.675 out of 5. Keep up the great work on your page!
Gracias again :-)