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In The Media |
30th January 2000 |
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Although this site doesn't get quite as many mentions in the media as some
Spice sites, it is starting to collect a few. So, here's the ones I know
about... which just leaves the ones I don't know about! If YOU know
of one that I'm missing, I'd like to hear about it :-)
Bizarre Magazine | Total Internet | ZDNet's CLife | The Drum | Video Hits Australia | Superteen - The Spice Girls | Teen Beat - Spiceworld Special | Spice and Superstars - Spice Girls on Tour | BBC Online | MTV Nordic | Electronic Telegraph | Now magazine
In the beginning was... Bizarre(27th April 1997)From the May/June 1997 issue of Bizarre Magazine (which easily lives up to its name), comes this extract:
They think it's frightening... Hey, *I* think it's frightening! But that's the way it
was, and still is. Take any programme that I'd normally give a wide berth, add Melanie,
and et voila, you've got a piece of must-see TV...
And then... Total Internet(November 1997)Well, where else would you find a reference to a website, but in an internet magazine? Volume 1, Issue 12 (aka the November 1997 ish, aka the one with the Spice Girls pictures on the cover) takes a look at Spice Girls sites for their Celeb Watch feature. And according to them, this site is one of two Melanie C specific ones that "we've carefully and dutifully picked out as being the most hot and spicy Spice Girls sites to be found on the Web..." Ta very much :-)
ZDNet's CLife UK(November 1997)The first online reference I've found that isn't someone's links page... although most links pages are slightly more verbose in their descriptions of the site than this one :-) http://www1.zdnet.com/clifeuk/feature/spicegirls/ is where you'll find the associated article.
The Drum(November 1997)I haven't got much information on this reference, but here's what I know... "The Drum" is a TV programme in New Zealand, which, from it's website, looks like some sort of topical magazine-type show. And one of the things they do each week is to feature one or two websites on the show. No prizes for guessing which site they featured in one of their November 1997 programmes :-) As a bonus, their website (http://www.the-drum.co.nz/surfit.htm) also featured (it's updated weekly, so the link has long gone now...) a link to here, which is how I found out about it all.
Video Hits Australia(April 1998)Even less information on this show, all I know so far is that it's some music-related show on Australian TV... And apparently, this site was ranked the 4th best Spice Girls website in a recent episode! So, New Zealand TV have mentioned the site, now Australian TV have done the same. Slowly but surely we're getting closer to home - give it another 10 years or so and I might be seeing it talked about here on British TV :-)
(26th September 1999)
Superteen - The Spice Girls(11th May 1998)An American visitor has just alerted me to this one... Superteen, from what they've been saying, sounds like the American equivalent to magazines like Smash Hits, Big etc. etc. And their recently released issue is a Spice Girls special, which includes amongst other things, a list of some Spice Girls websites... And somewhere on the list was this site :-) Thanks to Jessi for letting me know about the mention. Thanks also to whoever it was that sent the scan of the relevant page, and apologies for forgetting your name!
Teen Beat - Spiceworld Special(12th May 1998)Another American visitor has alerted me to this magazine that also appears to have just been released - two magazine listings in as many days, what's going on? Going one better than Superteen, Teen Beat has decided to list their top 10 Spice sites, and out of the 4 Melanie C sites that make it into the 10 (go Melanie!), this one was "somewhere" on the list... Thanks to Sarah for reporting this one. May - the Magazine Mention Month ;-)
Spice and Superstars - Spice Girls on Tour(2nd January 1999)American magazines musn't have much else to write about, because they all seem to be mentioning this site instead... Yet another American visitor has provided me with a heads-up on a URL sighting, this time in a list of sites in Spice and Superstars. Thanks to Sara (no, not Sarah :-) for this report.
BBC Online(20th/23rd August 1999, 1st/3rd September 1999 and 28th September 1999)Melanie's recent solo appearances at Sheffield and the V99 festival have generated quite a lot of media attention, including some pieces on the BBC Online news site. And, as is common with online news articles like this, the BBC have included a selection of related website links as part of the articles. But not content with mentioning this site once, they've gone and linked to it from all the articles! Mind you, they have linked to the wrong page (someone at the BBC didn't read this page, did they...), but I suppose a link is a link ;-)
The relevant URLs are: Screengrabs of these pages are also available 425643.stm, 427994.stm, 435279.stm, 437388.stm and 459690.stm
MTV Nordic(31st August 1999)According to one of my Scandinavian visitors, the MTV Nordic programme 'Top Selection' mentioned this site. As the VJ for this show says - "you know we always try to find the best, coolest sites out there to put on the show..." :-) Thanks to Petter for this info.
Electronic Telegraph(25th September 1999)Bit of a wierd link, this one. Rather than linking to the front page (or even the contents page, as the BBC prefers to do - bad BBC, naughty BBC!!!), this one is a link to the Angel Tattoo page. Hmm... Or if you prefer a screengrab - here you go...
Now magazine(26th January 2000)From their "Celebs on the web" article, described as "the Now review of 40 top celebrity websites", here's what they had to say about this site...
Content: Biog, factfile, Real Fans Write, pics, sound and video clips, sliding block puzzles, quiz, Melanie Writes. :-) |
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