From the January 3rd Daily Express, an article that on the surface appears all
sweetness and light. But even the slightest bit of digging reveals that it's
just yet another addition to the list of not very good articles about Melanie.
Which is why it appears here, rather than in MediaWatch...
First the article itself, followed by my comments to specific points (marked as
[1], [2] etc. within the article text).
James O'Brien
The reason for Melanie Chisholm's inclusion in the most successful pop band of
the Nineties used to be shrouded in mystery [1]. Why, demanded fans and
critics alike [2a], did Ginger, Scary, Posh and Baby Spice choose to share
their limelight and lucre with a pasty-faced, tattooed tomboy in a football
strip? Seasoned Spice-watchers [2b], however, have always known the answer:
Sporty possesses more raw talent than the other four put together. It was her
voice that carried the girls through their first concert in Istanbul in
October. It is her frenetic but inch-perfect dancing that injects their
performances with real excitement. And it is her no-nonsense attitude that
best encapsulates the enigmatic girl power dogma.
"For me, the singing is everything," she confirmed after the Istanbul concert.
"Singing was the reason I joined the Spice Girls. I've been frustrated
because, after all the promotion, interviews and work, it's the thing we've
spent the least time doing."
And now, it seems, the rest of the world is waking up to the fact that Mel C
has real star quality. The smart money is even backing Sporty to be the first
Solo Spice.
Not for her the fretting about image, appearance, celebrity boyfriends and
Draconian management. It is she, say industry insiders, who is now developing
both a reliable ear for the timeless pop that the girls purvey and the
determination to play a more significant songwriting role.
Her assured, breathy vocals have been compared to Annie Lennox. Her relish
for performing, while the other four prefer preening and posing, stands
comparison with Janet Jackson. And, crucially, last month's premiere of
their film Spiceworld saw the soccer-loving, shellsuit-wearing, somersaulting
scally make way for a girl with glamour, talent, class and a cleavage. [3]
This was the culmination of a concerted but low-key campaign to assert her
femininity. At the Brit Awards in February, the 24-year-old [4] publicly
sported a frock for the first time. By September, she was modelling designer
Donna Karan's latest dresses for Elle magazine and, by the time filming
finished on Spiceworld, she was reportedly determined to jettison the dowdy
image. "Why do I always have to be on a bike and wearing a tracksuit?" she
demands in the movie.
A film-set source reveals: "She told me she'd never really bothered with
make-up before but during the shoot she spent more and more time in make-up
and was determined to get the hang of it. It was like watching an ugly
duckling turn herself into a swan. She has classic features and an even
better bone structure than Posh, all she needed was a little polish."
A spokeswoman for the girls confirms that Mel wished to change. "She has
grown up with the band and wanted to look more stylish. She can't act the
tomboy for ever."
The move is already paying dividends. In last month's ITV's An Audience With
the Spice Girls she was wittier, sharper and more exuberant than the
others [5]. The crowning glory for the revamped Sporty was the news that
Robbie Williams had fallen [6] for the newly-revealed charms [7] of a girl who
recently complained that she hadn't had sex since becoming famous.
The big question now is whether Sporty wants a new Spice-free career to go
with her new look, haircut and boyfriend. Ginger, Scary, Baby and Posh had
better pray that she does not.
OK, here we go...
Did it? I'm sure plenty of us were actually asking "why is Victoria in the group?"
And we still are... Melanie's inclusion seemed quite obvious, just as soon as you
had your first taste of Wannabe.
So, if fans and critics were demanding to know why she was in the group, just
who were these "seasoned Spice-watchers" who knew the answer all along?
Ah, of course, the one thing guaranteed to grab the attention of male tabloid journos
up and down the country... Can't you take your minds off sex for ONE second?
Not at the time this article was written, she wasn't... Getting a simple thing
like that wrong casts a shadow over the rest of the article. If your research
failed to provide you with her correct age, then what else did it fail to provide?
Did you even do any research at all...
Excuse me? So before she started wearing makeup, smart clothes and having her hair
done a bit more intricately, she had no wit and was as sharp as one of those plastic
knives you get at takeaways? Gosh, how stupid I am, here I was thinking she already
possessed those attributes anyway. Perhaps I should start wearing makeup, I might
become more intelligent then...
Kind of a kick in the teeth for the long list of men who'd already fallen for her
before the image change, isn't it. Sorry guys, I guess our feelings count for
nothing :-( But hey, why ruin a perfectly good article about her sexy new look by
admitting that plenty of us thought she was damned good looking originally? Forget
that, let's just go along with the popular myth that the reason she didn't have a
boyfriend was because none of us fancied her. I mean, since when did the media let
the facts get in the way of a story?
Newly-revealed? Only to someone who's been walking round with their eyes closed these
last 18 months. Or to someone who refuses to believe that a woman can be attractive
without the addition of layers of makeup and revealing clothes. Which, unfortunately,
appears to cover most of the male journalists in the British media... and this article
does little to suggest otherwise.