Source: Various
Date: Various
Well, we all know how good Melanie is at singing and dancing and generally
being the all-round talented one in the group, but the media has taken slightly
longer to realise it. Finally though, thanks to the recent Pepsi concert in
Istanbul, the truth is out...
Matthew Wright - The Mirror
"...some Spice Girls can sing better than others. Melanie Chisholm was
easily the strongest as she karate-kicked her way through the set."
Andy Coulson - The Sun
"Emma, and particularly Mel C, definitely have the best voices."
"[Their debut] was competent and capable and a triumph for Mel C,
whose voice and dance moves were pitch and inch perfect."
Claudia Joseph - The Express
"To the impartial observer it soon became evident that Sporty Spice Mel C
was propping up the group with her singing and dancing skills."
Mark Roland - Melody Maker
"...it becomes very obvious that Mel C can sing like a motherf***er."
So, now those of us who've known all of this right from the beginning can
sit back with smug grins on our faces, going "Nyah-nyah, told you so!"