Source: Sunday People
Date: 8th April 2001
Bodybuilding-crazed Mel C turns herself into Arnold Schwarzenegger
CHEST a minute - where have all the curves gone? Mel C leaves fans wondering
as she piles on muscle in a bizarre fitness kick.
Her once girly figure has melted away under a relentless regime of jogging,
press-ups and weightlifting.
And 26-year-old Sporty Spice now boasts a bull neck and biceps that wouldn't
disgrace Arnie Schwarzenegger in one of his tough-guy movies.
She'd make a terrifying Terminator, a barbarous Conan or Sylvester Stallone's
rampaging Rambo.
Mel, on a tour of America, revealed her scary new image when she went
jogging in Santa Monica, California. Unlike her mate Posh Spice, her boobs
seemed to have disappeared in her quest to become a tough looking mean
machine. Her powerful upper body and strapping arms would even strike fear in
Mike Tyson.
A close friend said: "She has been using a lot of heavy weights to get her
muscular look. Mel has always been a fitness fan but some friends think she
might be overdoing it and she needs to slow down a bit. Her figure seems to
be looking more and more masculine. Her arms are very powerful and her upper
body is incredibly strong. From the way she looks I don't think you'd like to
mess with her."
Was it Posh? More than pecs for lucky Becks
Was it Mel B? Her pop pal is keeping upfront
Was it Jordan? A model figure for Page Three
As a young Sporty Spice, Mel was a bit more swell
Sigh... Not only are the tabloids once again having a go at a celeb for daring to
try and keep themselves fit and healthy, but they're also diving back into the
depths of the media muckpit by bringing the subject of her chest size into the
story again, after I thought they'd finally laid that one to rest. On this latter
point, who cares?!? Beautiful women come in all shapes, sizes,
colours, nationalities, religions, careers, accents... whatever personal
characteristic you might use to distinguish one person from another. It is so
so wrong to imply that just because someone doesn't possess a specific
characteristic, there's something wrong with them. Melanie is, and always has
been, a perfect example of how beautiful a woman can look even though she "dares"
to stray from the stereotypical image of what female beauty is.
I thought it was rather interesting when, having continued reading the paper, I
reached the readers letters page where the following caught my (and the editors as
well - it was letter of the week...) eye:
Why are the young, famous and beautiful always dissatisfied with their bodies?
Victoria Beckham's petite features made her look so pretty. But her busty new
look just makes her appear ridiculously top heavy.
Similarly, Geri Halliwell's voluptuous figure was her making, but now her
waif-like body makes you feel like feeding her up.
Uhh, maybe it's because papers like the People make a habit of being less than
kind about the appearance of such celebs? They can't win - put on a bit of
weight (even though they're still fit and healthy and not at all fat or obese)
and they're porky, beefy, flabby... Go on a fitness drive to trim down and, oh,
sorry, now you're a stick insect, or so hideously muscled that you need to stop
exercising so much and maybe put on a bit of weight (but only in certain areas of
the body, of course). It isn't the celebs who're setting a bad example for the
rest of us, it's the media and the way they portray perfectly normal looking
people as abnormal.
As a final comment, I invite you to compare and contrast the People article above
with the way Now Magazine covered the same news. Which
version of events do you prefer...