What they think of each other
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What the others say about her: She's diplomatic, not bossy and a bit of a lad-ette
Emma: "She's very fit and very funny. She's a very funny person when you talk to
her, and when she's got something to say it's very important. And she gets us up and going when
we've been a bit lazy, all of us, she gets us up saying 'COME ON NOW, we've got a singing lesson,
or we've got to have a dance lesson'. She's a cool chick."
She certainly is
Geri: "Mel will always look after you. She carries your bag if it's too heavy.
She's a really nice person, but tough too. She's the silent but deadly type."
Melanie on herself: "I'm very determined. I think it can be a bit annoying, but I'm glad I'm
like that. I don't think I'm a great singer, but I love it and I think maybe people enjoy my singing
because I enjoy it so much. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bit of a spare part. I'm the one in
the corner. But I'm the one the paparazzi don't follow. Touch wood."
and... "I'm quite shy really. I see my role in the group as something of a leader, but I
leave the arguing to Mel B and Geri. Everyone sees us as having roles, but we're just being
ourselves and people have latched onto it, like Mel B having a big mouth and Emma being quite sweet.
I know people see me as the quiet one, but I can be a joker sometimes too."
And some more: "We sort of tell each other off really. Geri and Mel B have definitely
got the biggest mouths!"
The other Girls' first impressions of Melanie...
Mel B: "I knew she was cool because she was my mate from up North."
Emma: "She was really nice, she'd entertain me and dance around the room."
Geri: "I could feel her dancer presence."
Victoria: "I thought she was genuinely nice."
...and her first impressions of them...
Mel B: "She was really cool because she was from Leeds."
Emma: "She was a sweetie."
Geri: "She had her hair in bunches and was wearing a pink fluffy jumper saying 'Look,
look, I'm a duck'."
Victoria: "She struck me as gorgeous but dim."
So what do they think about her now...
Mel B: "She's still the most disciplined and strongest in spirit, she's got real
determination and never panics."
Emma: "I can truly say I'd trust her with my life."
Geri: "She's blossomed into a babe."
Hey, if Geri says she's a babe, she's a babe... What have I been saying all these
months, eh! But did some of you listen, ooooh noooo. Well, yah boo sucks to you :-)
Victoria: "She's really come out of herself."
...and what Melanie now thinks of them...
Mel B: "She never sits still. Big mouth, big hair, she's still matching."
Emma: "She's still our baby, but at times you'd think she was the eldest because she
shouts and tells us off."
Geri: "She's always been a bossy bigmouth, so no change there."
Victoria: "She isn't posh, she's as common as the rest of us."
More from Geri: "What really annoys Mel is when there's no gym in the hotel 'cause she really
loves training. Actually, she can be a bit too straight laced sometimes - too sensible and too tidy!
She's even got all her jeans folded the same way! She needs her kip and hates being deprived of her
sleep! Oh yeah, I hate her smelly farts and she cracks her knuckles all the time! But she's the one
that'll say, 'Alright, that's enough now', if we go a bit too mad.
She's not very flirty. Not on purpose anyway, she's more subtle, but she doesn't realise how good
she is at it! She likes optimistic, funny guys who look after themselves and stay in shape.
Who did she last kiss? Probably Mel B after she got her tongue pierced!"
More from Emma: "She's a pure babe, a really good friend of mine, I talk to her about a
lot of things and she probably knows most of my secrets. We go out for Indian and Chinese meals
together and I love her loads and I think she's a complete babe. I like her hair when she wears
it down. I think she's cool. She's my babe and I love her.
She's very funny but she gets a bit moody at night time 'cos she's a morning person and hates
evenings, whereas I'm the complete opposite. So when she's all bouncy in the mornings I get
really annoyed with her, and she's the same when I'm happy in the evenings."
OK, first Geri and now Emma reckon she's a babe. That settles it, she's a babe...
...something I seem to recall suggesting, ooh, a long time ago :-)
More on Victoria: "Victoria hates scumbags, dirt, filth, and people who wear tracksuits!"
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First day at school: "A few days before my first day I'd fallen off my brother's bike and
got a terrible gash on my knee, so I had to go and see the nurse. This meant on my first day at
school I had to limp around."
Nickname at school: Holland - "Because it's flat like me..."
Ooh, that's not nice.
School Plays: "I always ended up playing a sheep at the nativity play while the other girls dressed
as angels. I didn't mind though, in fact I'd rather have played Joseph"
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What kind of animal would you be?: "I'd be a panther"
So that's why you don't wear Puma gear...
Definition of "Girl Power": "There is a new attitude, girls are taking control. If you want to wear
a short skirt, then you go on and wear it. You should wear what you want."
Speaking of short skirts...:"The first time I wore a miniskirt I was 12 - my legs were really
skinny then."
I've got Girl Power because: "I'm loud and proud and I play football even though people turn
their noses up at girls who play football."
Talent most desired: To be an excellent footballer (ideally a striker for Liverpool)
Trait most despised: Not being able to lift heavier weights than blokes
On her looks:"If I left my house looking a mess and a photographer took my picture, I wouldn't care.
That's what I look like when I'm off to buy the milk."
and...: "I get recognised when I'm shopping. But I like that. I don't even mind it when I'm
looking dog rough with no makeup on - it's nice that people know who I am."
On fame: "I know it sounds ungrateful but sometimes fame isn't that much fun. You're
visiting all these fantastic places and you'll be sat there moaning 'I want to go home'."
World Famous? "We all have our own countries. In Spain I'm considered the bees knees."
Love/Hate: Loves chinese food, hates smoking.
Oh mama, a perfect match!
Idea of Heaven: Being in a training session with Liverpool FC
Idea of Hell: Being from Manchester. "I wouldn't go there in the past simply because
it was Manchester. I boycotted the city completely."
I told you I liked her :-) Not that I have anything against Manchester as such, at least not
the city or it's inhabitants (hi Martin!), but Manchester United on the other hand...
What do you like most about your body?: "The Celtic cross symbol around my arm. It's an
ancient sacred symbol from when the Celts fought other tribes. It unites my physical and spiritual
strengths. I also like the Girl Power tattoo on my shoulder, even though it hurt a lot when I
had it done."
Worst advice you've had?: "I was 14 and someone told me I'd look good with my hair permed.
I got it done and ended up looking really terrible!"
Memories of 1996: "I'm a big Liverpool fan, always have been, so the most poignant image from 1996
was Liverpool FC losing the FA Cup Final miserably to Manchester United. Although I didn't see the match
live because I was working, I watched the highlights on the telly after, and I actually cried when Cantona
scored. Still, we're going to make up for it next year when we do the Double."
Quick summary of 1996: "Totally messed up MAD! This has been the craziest year of our lives!"
That's the clean version :-)
Wierd...: "All the tins of baked beans in my kitchen cupboards have to face the same way, and there
always have to be four tins, and if not, definitely an even number."
Umm, riiiight...
FHM's 100 Sexiest Women of 1997: Surprise! Melanie has actually found her way onto this list, at a
quite respectable 56th place, just behind Donna D'Erico and Uma Thurman, and ahead of Gena Lee Nolin, Lucy
Lawless (Xena!) and quite a few other babes. Way to go Melanie!!!
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And the last few scraps that didn't really fit anywhere else...
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She used to work in a chip shop, thinks Tony Blair is "charming", and is a football fanatic -
aside from being a lifelong Liverpool supporter, she used to train with Rickmansworth Ladies FC,
until the kids watching started going "ooh, there`s Melanie C", which started to annoy the rest of
the team. Such is the price of fame...
Before the Spice Girls, she spent three years studying ballet, and almost got into
the cast of Cats. But then, if she had got into Cats, she wouldn't have been free to
audition for the Spice Girls...
If she needs a new toothbrush, she'll only buy a red one, because as we all know red is the
colour of Liverpool FC... Dedication to her team, that's what I like to see!
Apparently she's no good at whistling...
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