
Bill Stano writes again...

25th January 1999
About Melanie
Oh Dear...
Real fans write...
What does 'snog' mean?
Other Spice Sites

Recently, James Rainwater terminated his site, "MCunlimited", and I lost
my two best articles I had written about Melanie (one was a concert
review).  So I was feeling sad about that and then I read Karen Holland's
article on your site and it has inspired me to write a new article.  I
realize that I already have a "real fans write" contribution on your
website, but I feel that that has become a little outdated.  So here's a
new article from me, do with it as you please!

...Being a 23 year old, male, medical student from America, I get a lot of
grief for being a Melanie Chisholm supporter.  When my fellow medical
students see the little picture of Melanie that I have on my notebook,
their most common response is, "That's a joke, right?"  And I won't even
begin to tell you how teased I am when they see my Melanie keychain (which
happened to be my favorite Holiday gift, by the way!).  So yes, it's not
always easy to be a fan of Melanie and the Spice Girls in general,
especially when you're suppossed to be "old enough to know better."
  With all this in mind, I am proud to say that there is nothing that
anyone could ever say or do to make me stop supporting or being a fan of
Miss Chisholm.  In going from that "cute, sporty one" to a very
successful, mature, independent woman, Melanie captured my heart and
turned me into a life-long believer in her.  Yes, Melanie is not perfect. 
I could do without the gold tooth, I'm not too happy about "angel"
covering those precious abs, and she definitely needs to be more into the
internet (especially this site), but Melanie means so much to me that I
can look way beyond that superficial stuff.  Melanie grabbed my attention
when I needed it the most.  And since I've become a fan and have let
myself be inspired by her, so many good things have happened to me.  Most
people will say that Melanie has had nothing to do with my success, but I
know that she has in some small way.  I have learned a lot from her. 
Through Melanie I have learned that hard work really does pay off
eventually...being yourself is the only way to be...success isn't always
measured in dollars (sorry guys, pounds!)... the most beautiful people
aren't always the most obvious...those same beautiful people are ten times
more beautiful on the inside than the outside...success and fame doesn't
have to change your basic beliefs and ideals...being single in your 20s
isn't always a bad thing...when you put your whole heart into something,
people will respect you so much more...and that being happy is all you
really need in life.  Yep, Melanie has taught me all those things and so
much more.  
  All I know is that here in America, life is moving on.  Melanie and the
rest of the girls are slowly fading away behind the shadow of the new boy
bands (all 3 million of them).  And I've been moving on too.  I'm no
longer a lost college student with no future.  But fear not, everyone, I
will never move so far as to forget the one who has meant so much to me,
Miss Melanie Jayne Chisholm!  And to all those who tease me, I have only
this to say: "No more Mr. Nice Spice!"

EMail Bill at

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