From Desiree van Rooyen, 15, of Cape Town, South Africa, comes visitor article
number 4. Keep them coming!
First off I would just like to say that everything stated in this article
is my own opinion!!
Okay lets get started: Ever since the Spice Girls first started I have
been a loyal Mel C supporter. The reason for this is because she was and
still is different from all the other Spice Girls - NO SHE IS NOT PLAIN.
She has this positive look, and maybe to me she is the only girl in the
group who truly represents Girl Power. Here she is a girl who wants to
play football and to be just as tuff as any guy, and who doesn't want to
be treated with any less respect than a guy. Something I know I can
relate to.
Well my point is that she has traded in her Sporty look for a more
sophisticated look. Many people are shocked about this change but it is
something everyone should have expected. You cannot expect her to walk
around for the rest of her life in a tracksuit and sporty clothing. Maybe
as a teenager yes but not as a successful adult. She is famous now. So I
say let her dress like all the other celebrities. Her change is for her,
and maybe her career too, but who are we to judge and criticise her changes?
All this is her decision not ours she has worked hard to earn her success
and her fame so let her enjoy it and she deserves too!!
So I say that if you are truly a Mel C supporter you will accept her changes
and hold thumbs that her fame and success will grow further whether she is
in a track suit or a dress!!
And for all of you who called her the PLAIN SPICE guess who is having
the last laugh??
To make a perfect Spice all spices need to be mixed and ingredients
need to be added until the most perfect spice is created and in this
case our most perfect spice is SPORTY SPICE.....MEL C
EMail Desiree at raintears@yahoo.com