
Jessi Coplin writes...

9th May 1999
About Melanie
Oh Dear...
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Hello, Melanie fans. My name is Jessi. I fill in the guestbook of this
quite a bit and send in notices when I find its URL in magazines. I also
run a website of my own. Who do you think it's dedicated to? You really
don't know? Melanie!

Anyway, why do I like Melanie? I don't just LIKE Melanie, I LOVE Melanie,
which I realized about a year ago in the completion of Sporty Forever. The
real question is, I don't believe there are enough words in the dictionary
to actually describe my angel (get it?), but I'm sure I can think of some
of those before the day ends. Also, like many of us females are saying,
there's no attraction to Melanie other than friendship and inspiration in
my case, even though I know it's the case for some, but that's quite fine
with me, just not my point of view.

Why do I love Melanie? I love Melanie for so many reasons it's uncanny.
Why don't I love Melanie? Stupid question, I do! Melanie is special. Not
the Scary one, not the Baby one, not the Ginger one, not the Posh one, not
the - wait...that's the one! The Sporty one. Most of the people I know
don't favor her. "I like Geri." "Sporty's not my favorite." "How could you
like HER?" And even if the quoted personnel don't, they've come to accept
I do, and I wouldn't stop loving her for them or anyone else. 

I could go on for hours and hours and hours about Melanie. Her hair, her
smile, her voice, her personality, her eyes...the list goes on and on and
on. According to polls of Spice Girls fans, Melanie got a whopping 25% of
votes of prettiest Spice Girl, and as for favorite, she got 45%. WHOOHOO!
So why, might I ask, does the media give her so little attention?

Melanie's always been seen as the plain one of the group. Maybe it's
because she doesn't have flaming or frizzy hair, or maybe because she
doesn't wear miniskirts, or maybe because she's shy. Some even say Melanie
was only put into the Spice Girls to compare the others' beauty to her.
The truth: Melanie was put in the Spice Girls so they wouldn't be a bunch
of fumbling untalented klutzes. I'm sorry to everyone who's offended, but
wake up and smell the coffee: Melanie is the talent in the Spice Girls. If
it wasn't for her, who would listen to Too Much, or any other song for
that matter? Surely not I, and I know how many people could agree.

Even though some may have to look twice to notice Melanie, her beauty is
absolutely breath taking. Eyes, hair, smile. Everything you'd notice.
Whether up or down or spiky or braided, Melanie's hair is noticeable.
Possibly not as noticeable as Geri's, but it's there and you can't miss
it. Her smile. Oh, her smile. Even though the gold tooth doesn't help
much, it doesn't give it a gunshot wound hardly. She smiles, I smile. It's
like that song: "When you're smiling, when you're smiling, the whole world
smiles with you." And if I can do anything with Melanie at all, I'll
settle for smiling.

As for her eyes, I have to even start a new paragraph for that one.
Melanie's eyes are her best physical feature. You look in Melanie's eyes
it's hard to glance away and get back on focus. I have never seen more
beautiful eyes in my life, and I highly doubt it'll be starting now.
They're big, they're beautiful. And when you look, prepare to faint. 

Then there's the biggy. PERSONALITY. Personality is the best aspect of
Melanie. Absolutely, positively, above all is Melanie's personality.
Melanie is the most dedicated person I've ever heard of. She sticks to
what she does, and even from the Wembley video, she's not letting it slip
away not that she's holding the reigns of fate. She said, if she went
partying then went to a show and her voice wasn't as good as it could be
(and believe me, it's goooood), then she would be so frustrated and angry
with herself. Now let's face it, ladies and gentlemen, that's dedication.
She dances strong, she sings strong, she IS strong, and I highly doubt
she'll be giving any of that up soon. 

In conclusion, Melanie is a teacher in her own indirect way. She's taught
me to be a strong, confident, young woman and to not take any shit from
anyone. And that, folks, is true Girl Power.

EMail Jessi at

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