
Irving Plaza, New York - Review 3

17th October 1999
About Melanie
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This is Bella writing again.  This time it's about Melanie C.'s Irving
Plaza concert.  First of all, I'd like to tell you that I had the best
time of my life on the night of 1st October.  You can't imagine what a
vibe I felt from all that was going on.  So let me tell you about my day.

    I had to go to school that day because I'm afraid of skipping.  If we
skip 8 days or more, we get an "F" in every class.  So I went to school
physically, but mentally I was already at the concert, jumping and
shouting.  I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes, and I was just
really lucky we didn't have any exams that day.  When I came home from
school, I was out of my mind with excitement.  I got everything ready, and
waited for my friend, Nicky to come.  We left about 15 minutes after she
came.  We arrived at the the train station at about 3.35, and took the
3.53 express train to New York from Stamford.  We came to Grand Central at
4.40 somewhere, and took the 6 train to Union Square.  There we had a hard
time finding the  venue, but after asking many people, we made it.  We
were one of the people in front, which is very cool, even if we did have
to wait for 2 and a half hours before going in.  While we were in line, we
got interviewed for Nylon Magazine and video taped by MTV America.  When
we finally got in, we realized that we were really close to the stage. 
And I mean really close!!!! When we got in and checked our bags in, we
spent another hour waiting for Melanie to come out, listening to
Latin-sounding music, and watching Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck cartoons. 
I thought it was pretty original, and we were joking about how it was the
best opening act we've ever seen!  We were jammed in the middle of many
people, and for some reason everyone were moving towards the front little
by little (including us).  I kept on mistaking Melanie's band and backup
singer for her, so every time someone came down the stairs at the side, I
started yelling (her backup singer's hair looks exactly like her's).
Finally, the time came.  The cartoon screen went up, the lights went down,
and I saw half of her standing very concentrate on the stairs, getting
ready to jump out.  I was going ballistic at that time, and when the band
struck a cord and she jumped out, I was about to start crying. I felt her
voice belting out the lyrics to a song I don't remember.  I was yelling
"Northerners" a lot, and "I love you!"  I can't put it into words how I
felt.  We jumped for a bit more than half the concert, in the crowd.  Then
suddenly a guy, not much older than us, who works there, came down from
the VIP area, gave us passes, and took us up to the VIP area!!!!  When we
came up, there were all these reporters and record lables there.  In other
words, not many fanatics.  It was amazing that we got to go up there, but
to tell you the truth I felt kinda' out of place because I was the only
one screaming and jumping up there.  I couldn't help it.  I got to see a
list of the songs she was singing, but the only ones I remember are Goin'
Down, Goin' Down Acoustic, Ga Ga, Be the One, and Wannabe.  Her version of
Wannabe was so much better than the group's version!  In the end, she just
picked up her presents that were thrown to her, said something, and then
just walked off stage.  I was absolutely devastated because I couldn't 
believe it was all over. We went down stairs, found my cousin who was
chaperoning us, and went to his house.  When I woke up the next morning,
the first thought that flew into my head was that I was still at the
concert (I think I had a dream about it but I don't remember).  I wanted
to be back there more than anything.  Even today I still want to be back
there more than anything.

    The night of 1st October was literally the  best night of my life, and
I'm really looking forward to the February tour that Melanie said she
wanted to give.  I'd do anything just to be there again right now, even
though that's still not a good explanation about how I feel. Melanie C. is
role model.  I like the fact that she doesn't do drugs, that she believes
in herself and doesn't try to put anyone down, and that she keeps fit.  My
mum's one of those health freaks so I kind of know what it's like.  Seeing
her so close up that I could actually see what type of nail polish she was
wearing (white I think with different colour glitter on it) has been my
dream for the longest time.  I can't wait for her next tour!!!

EMail Bella at

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