Since Melanie seems to be the one Spice Girl who's quite happy to take her time finding
Mr Right (and who can blame her?), the media apparently consider her to be fair game for
inclusion as the female half of an increasing number of celebrity romance stories - knowing
that she's unlikely to actually be dating anyone for real at the time...
Alternatively, they could just be noticing Melanie in the company of a well-known male
friend, putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 43.8. But whatever the reason, it's
her name that's appearing more and more in these rumours. Am I bothered? Only because
if she really is going through her list of male friends as quickly as the media suggests,
how will she ever get to know any of them well enough to know if they're The One...
- The one that started it all going. From March 1997,
the Melanie and Kavana story
- After a long break (to let me recover :-), December 1997/January 1998 provided
the Robbie Williams saga
- With barely time to catch her breath, February 1998 saw her
linked with Jason McAteer
- 3 months on, it's time for something slightly different... May 1998
gives us the Sol Campbell story :-)
- Another month, another rumour... But wait! This one isn't a rumour!!!
Melanie's mystery man...
- Halfway through the US tour, step forward Bruce Willis...
- EMERGENCY!!! Dial 911!!! And ask for Jimmy...
- Back To The Beginning - Kavana, again ?!?
- Going all blurry eyed over Damon Albarn...
- Her fave TV show, for more than the obvious reason... Brookside's Paul Byatt?
- When you're gone, I realise I'm in love... with Bryan Adams???
- Getting fit for love, with her personal trainer Gregory Joujon-Roche
- The only things on TV these days are repeats, so let's watch Brookside again...
- One article, 2 answers... From the April 2nd issue of OK! come these comments
The Melanie and Kavana story...
Romance blossoms, or does it? Back in late March 1997 the rumour started circulating that a certain Ms.
M.J.Chisholm and a certain Mr, umm, Kavana, were getting just a bit close. And then in early April,
The Star ran a 2 page article (yes, a whole 2 pages about her, unbelievable...) more or less
stating that they were an item. From there, it's been a series of "no, nothing's going on", and
"well, they are good friends, so maybe" comments here and there, but no solid YES/NO answers...
Desperate Spice?: Melanie and Kavana seem to be getting rather close... Come on Melanie, you aren't
that desperate, are you? Although at least you wouldn't be breaking your rule about wanting
"un-popstar" boyfriends :-)
Not at all: Live & Kicking magazine reckons Melanie and Kav are just good friends, nothing
more. Phew, there's still hope for us all...
Kav, what's your comment? "Well yeah, Mel's great. She's a Northerner like me.
I love northern birds - you can have much more fun with them, But we aren't an item."
...and that was pretty much it, apart from a few other comments along the lines of "no, we don't think
anything's going on" and "well, they are good friends you know". But no hard evidence to support either
side. Until, that is, the appearance of Melody Maker with THAT article...
"Being linked with Kavana. I was embarrassed about that. At least I could get someone remotely
attractive. He's a little boy! As if!"
To which the rather annoyed Kavana had this to say
"I wouldn't go out with her anyway. I like girls to be feminine."
Oo-er Kav, sounds a bit like you've taken this rejection rather hard, especially for someone
who wasn't supposed to be THAT serious about Melanie... Why do I get the feeling that you really were
quite fond of her?
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The Melanie and Robbie Williams saga...
Romance appears to blossom for a second time, as in late December 1997, rumours began circulating
about Melanie and ex-Take That singer Robbie Williams...
Thursday 18th December
Source: Teletext
Mentions a rumour that Robbie Williams is dating Melanie C. No comments from
either of them at this time.
Friday 19th December
Source: Teletext
Robbie quoted as saying:
"I can't have a girlfriend as there's nothing I can give her. I'm far too in love
with my music. That's my priority."
Saturday 20th December
Source: Live & Kicking (BBC Television)
During the phone-in section, Melanie is asked if she's seeing him, to which
she replies:
"It's not true, it's not... he's lovely but no, he's not my boyfriend."
Tuesday 23rd December
Source: Daily Star newspaper
Notes that on Monday, Victoria, David Beckham, Melanie AND Robbie all flew across
to Ireland for a holiday together...
Wednesday 24th December
Source: Daily Star newspaper
Notes that the pair have been out on a shopping trip in Dublin, and also quotes a
"source close to Robbie" as saying: "Robbie is going out with Mel C."
Thursday 1st January
Source: Teletext
Melanie and Robbie were reported to have spent New Year's Eve at a club in Dublin,
along with Emma, Victoria and (interestingly) Denise van Outen...
Given that, not so long ago, Robbie was rumoured to be dating Denise, this is a
potentially interesting little twist to the saga. I'm not sure how this fits in
with their appearance on an American New Year's Eve TV show though - some sources
say their appearances were pre-recorded, others claim they were on live...
Monday 5th January
Source: Teletext
Robbie Williams is quoted as saying:
"You can't properly love or be loved until you've sorted yourself out and I've
got a long way to go."
Hmm... that sounds almost like an "I'm not going out with anyone" admission. Almost.
Thursday 8th and Friday 9th January
Source: Teletext, The Sun newspaper, and various emails
I've now been informed by several people that the Girls' performances on the
Dick Clark show on New Years Eve were indeed pre-recorded, so that answers the
question as to how they could be in Ireland and America at the same time...
However, both Teletext and The Sun have now said that Robbie was playing a
gig in London on New Years Eve, which contradicts the original rumour that he was
in Ireland with the Girls...
Friday 16th January
Source: Teletext
When asked if the tabloid rumours about him dating Denise van Outen and
Melanie were true, he replied "You can believe it if you like, I don't
care what they say in the papers..."
Saturday 17th January
Source: The Sun newspaper
Claims that Robbie was seen with Nicole Appleton (All Saints) at a recent
charity event in London, and that they apparently left arm in arm, heading off
in the direction of Robbie's Notting Hill home...
Denise, Melanie and now Nicole... I'll give him this, if there's any truth in
these rumours, then he's got good taste :-)
Wednesday 21st January
Source: Big Magazine (Jan 21-Feb 3 issue)
"As for rumours about her dating Robbie Williams, we can reveal that they are FALSE!
'They talk a lot, cos they're both into indie music and football, but they are not
an item', says Mel C's spokesman"
I like the sound of this ;-)
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The Melanie and Jason McAteer rumour...
Evidently the media had so much fun with the Robbie Williams rumour that, no sooner had
that been dismissed as a load of rubbish, they decided to have another go. But this
time, instead of a singer, they'd try something different... like a footballer. And not
just any old footballer, but one of the Liverpool team.
Monday 2nd & Tuesday 3rd February
Source: The Sun newspaper
Claims that Melanie has been secretly dating Jason McAteer for several weeks.
Wednesday 3rd February
Source: Radio 1 Breakfast Show
During the show, Geri and Melanie were on the phone to the presenters, and
they were asked:
"So, are any of you still unattached?"
to which Melanie jumped in with "Yeah, me!"
"But the rumours say you're seeing that guy from the shampoo advert?"
"No, Jason and I are good mates but nothing else."
Ooh, just like the Robbie Williams rumour, there she is, in person, in a live
broadcast, denying any romantic entanglement. And we all know how that ended
up, don't we... There is still hope :-)
Since I don't listen to the radio that early in the morning (except when I haven't
yet gone to sleep...) I have to thank one of my mediawatchers for supplying this
information. Thank you Chris S!
Wednesday 11th February
Source: C5 "Exclusive" show
During an interview backstage at the Brit Awards, she commented:
"I'm not going out with a footballer! He's just my friend. Thing is, I know a lot
of Liverpool players anyway because I've been a fan for years, and he's just a
friend of mine, that's all."
So, that's 2 denials in the space of 8 days. Assuming she isn't lying through her
teeth, I think we can assume there's nothing going on ;-)
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The Sol Campbell Story...
From the Daily Star, Friday 8th May 1998:
Mel gives Sol the brush-off
SPORTY SPICE Mel C last night claimed England soccer star Sol Campbell is
pestering her with phone calls and flowers but she doesn't want to know.
She said she wishes the Tottenham defender would STOP trying to woo her
because: "While I know he fancies me, I just don't find him at all
Multi-millionaire Mel C, 24, insisted he won't score with her and that
her defence against his bid for romance is more solid than Spurs' has
been all season.
She pleaded for him to give up trying to woo her. And though Sol's agent
Skylet Andrew later insisted that the England ace had NEVER sent her any
bouquets nor attempted to contact her during the Spice Girls' sell-out
world tour, Fab Five pal Mel B laughed: "The dressing room is full of
flowers. They're everywhere from him."
Sol, 23, met Mel C, real name Melanie Chisholm, last month when he was a
guest at the bash to promote their London concerts. He singled her out
from the other girls for a chat.
But despite now playing to 65,000 fans over six nights at Birmingham's
NEC, she took time out to tell 96.4 BRMB local radio jock Tammy Gooding:
"I DON'T fancy him. He fancies me but I just don't find him attractive. I
don't want to know."
Last week Mel C was quizzed over her personal life by Chris Evans on
Channel Four's TFI Friday. She said: "I'm not interested in going out
with anyone. I don't want a boyfriend"... which made Mel B joke: "She's
only interested in girls!"
But Sporty repeated last night: "I really don't like anyone enough to go
out with them. So I'm not interested in Sol Campbell."
Sol has been celebrating since last weekend's 6-2 thrashing of Wimbledon
which helped to save Spurs from relegation. But Mel C said he still
shouldn't keep leaving messages for her to ring him or meet for a drink.
It seems Sol will have to be content with buying their next single Viva
Forever to be released on June 29 with the video promo featuring them as
metal puppets.
The girls fly to Vienna next week to continue their tour and then on to
Oslo before the USA.
Thanks to Gemma and Zila for sending me copies of this article, Fridays was just about the
only copy of the Star that I hadn't bought that week, typical!
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Melanie's Mystery Man...
From "Miami Spice", Monday 22nd June 1998:
During this show she was, as usual, asked about being the only single Spice
Girl, to which she replied "I'm working on it". She also hinted that the
lucky bloke she had her eye on was "sort of" in the music industry, but
declined to go any further.
I'm actually pleased about this... All these rumours of romance do appear
to have been just that, rumours. But this time it sounds like she's
really going for it. Which means she's hopefully going to find happiness,
and that would please me no end. Because, as much as I love her and dream
about being that lucky bloke, I care about her far more. And that means
her happiness, no matter how it's achieved, is important to me.
The Audio Collection has the relevant
clip from the interview, along with a text copy for the RealAudio-less.
The Claddagh Ring Page also has something to
say on this...
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Bruce Willis
Well, to be honest, this one is a bit vague at best. The facts are few - yes, he flew
her (just her, not the other Spices) across America to sing with him at the opening
of a Planet Hollywood restaurant, and yes they seemed to be getting on quite well
during their performance. But that's it. Nothing more. Whether there is something
going on between them is open to debate (and there are plenty of you doing just that!),
but there's nothing to strongly suggest this is the case.
I mean, yeah, they seemed to be getting on well (see the photos :-),
but this is Melanie we're on about, who wouldn't get on well with her given the chance
to spend some time with her?
There is one thing we can say for certain though, Bruce obviously has good taste! Wonder
if he's ever dropped in here for a browse...
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911's Jimmy
News Of The World, 8th November 1998:
For somebody who moans about never having a boyfriend, Sporty Spice Mel C
hasn't done too badly this year! She's now enjoying secret dates with 911
heart-throb Jimmy Constable, after being linked to footballer Jason McAteer,
Red Hot Chili Pepper Anthony Kiedis and producer Jake Davies.
My spies tell me that Mel, 24, and Jimmy, 26, also from Liverpool, are old
pals who were classmates at Holton College where they both studied dance.
A pal reveals: "They have been on a few dates and get along very well. Both
are very busy with their careers, but who knows what will happen?"
Girl power has hit 911 before - Baby Spice Emma had a brief romance with Lee
Brennan last Christmas.
And then the following day...
Daily Star, 9th November 1998:
Our dozy rivals have got it wrong again by reporting that 911's Jimmy Constable is having
secret dates with Spice Girl Mel C. Jimmy, talking exclusively to Rave, says: "It is
utter rubbish. I've only met Mel once and that was last year. I haven't got a clue where
it's come from."
Also on the 9th, during a short chat on the Radio 1 breakfast show, Melanie said much the
same thing (and as soon as I get some spare time, I'll be updating the Audio Collection...).
So, since both of them have denied it, it would appear to be a bit of a non-starter as
far as rumours go... still, that just means the door is open for something else. Like,
say, a re-run of the Melanie-Kavana story :-)
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Kavana, Take Two
20 months after Melanie and Kavana were first linked by the tabloids, here's
a second attempt at pairing them off...
From The Sun, 10th November 1998:
Mel Spices up pop Kavana's birthday bash
Sexy Spice Girl Mel C helped pop star Kavana celebrate his 21st birthday by
giving him a cigar - and a big smacker.
Sporty Spice, 24, took a break from writing the Fab Four's latest album in
London and jetted up to Manchester for the bash. Mel and Kavana - who had
a summer hit with Special Kind Of Something - spent most of the evening
chatting and dancing together. At one stage Mel danced to her own hit Who
Do You Think You Are?
One guest said: "They looked very close and Kavana was really chuffed that
Mel made the effort to come to the party."
At the do Mel denied she was secretly dating 911 heart-throb Jimmy Constable.
and how the Daily Star reported the same event:
Kiss and Mel
Sporty Spice had a marathon snogging session with pop idol Kavana at his 21st
birthday party. Passionate Mel C left the chart heart-throb choking for air
as she flung her arms round him and landed the smouldering smacker. Then
cheeky Mel gave Kavana even more to chew on by handing him his present... a
12-inch Lewinsky-style cigar which left him gobsmacked.
But the suggestive gift for non-smoker Kav may have lit the fuse for a fiery
row with 911 pin-up Jimmy Constable. For pals say Mel, 24, has been dating
the 26-year-old singer she's known since their Liverpool teenage days.
And he could be miffed at her spending more than an hour all over Kav at his
star-studded coming-of-age party. Mel even jetted up specially to the
champagne bash at a Manchester hotel from London, where she's recording a
new album. And, as soon as she walked through the door at midnight, she
gave Kav her tongue-tingling mouthful.
"How his lips weren't sucked off I've no idea," said one guest. "Mel was
like a woman possessed, It was the snog to outdo any other."
Hmm... On the 9th the Star were crowing about how they had the truth about
Melanie and Jimmy not being an item, yet just 24 hours later they're
suggesting this snogfest with Kavana is likely to cause trouble with Jimmy...
Here's a tip for all tabloid journos out there - instead of making up stories,
why dontcha make up your minds!
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Damon Albarn
Not sure which paper this came from:
MEL C sparked rumours of a new romance after spending the night with Blur's
Damon Albarn following the MTV Europe Awards.
The singer was spotted snogging with Damon at designer Donatella Versace's
private after-show party in Milan.
They weren't the only ones involved in tonsil-tickling - All Saints star
Shaznay Lewis and George Michael were also seen smooching with their partners.
Sporty Spice and Damon partied at Donatella's mansion until the early hours.
Our exclusive pictures show Mel putting an arm around the heart-throb singer
as they left the party. The couple drove off with the Spice Girls' bodyguard
and disappeared.
Mel - who has been romantically linked with Robbie Williams and footballer
Jason McAteer - recently said Blur were her favourite band.
More recently, Damon has commented in an interview that he is seeing someone, and she "isn't
an All Saint or a Spice Girl"...
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Paul Byatt
From the Daily Mirror, 19th January:
It's perhaps the strangest coupling in showbiz - Spice Girl Mel C and
Brookside's Paul Byatt.
I kid you not. Paul, best known as the Scouse soap's Mike Dixon, spent a
large chunk of Saturday night giving Sporty a tongue sandwich.
I gather the couple, both Liverpool supporters, were in good spirits after
their team's 7-1 win against Southampton.
Fellow revellers couldn't help noticing the pair getting pally as the
evening went on at Liverpool's trendy Blue Bar And Grill.
As the evening progressed the flirty couple began snogging openly as other
revellers looked-on open-mouthed. My spies say the odd couple partied the
night away until after 1am when they disappeared off into the night
"They were all over each other like a rash," my spy tells me.
"They kept pawing each other and exchanging full-blown snogs, seemingly
oblivious to every one around them. They were certainly enjoying
I'm told that Paul, 27, had been to the match at the Anfield ground and met
up with Liverpool-born Melanie, 24, later on.
"Mel has told me she was out with Paul. They went clubbing together," the
Spice Girl's PR, Alan Edwards, confirms. "Although she didn't exactly deny
she snogged him she says they're just good friends." Yeah, right. For
someone who used to constantly moan about not having a boyfriend these days
it's a lot harder keeping up with Mel's romances.
Mel, who at the end of this week is off to LA to start recording her solo
album, got together with Blur's Damon Albarn at November's MTV awards in
She's also had a fling with pop producer Jake Davies after meeting him
during a recording session in Dublin.
There have even been rumours that she has recently become entangled with
Canadian rocker Bryan Adams - rumours that both parties strongly deny.
Damn right, it's almost impossible to keep up these days...
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Bryan Adams
Aside from the comment in the Mirror article above, there have been other comments about
Melanie and Bryan looking particularly close during performances of When You're Gone. Now,
given the topic of the song, perhaps this is no surprise. Or maybe they aren't just
Given the number of romance rumours Melanie has been involved in recently, I wouldn't be at
all surprised if there's more to this one. To be quite honest, I wouldn't be surprised at
any new rumour, unless it involved me as well :-)
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Gregory Joujon-Roche
From The Sun, 2nd March 1999:
MEL C has been secretly dating her personal trainer.
Sporty Spice was spotted on the arm of hunky Gregory Joujon-Roche after
falling for him during workouts.
Greg is a top American fitness guru whose other clients include Demi Moore,
Courtney Love and actor Ethan Hawke.
Friends of Sporty Spice are hoping love will blossom with Greg and he will
become her Mr Right.
Mel has been linked to Robbie Williams, soccer star Jason McAteer and Blur's
Damon Albarn.
Her pals tell me they think Greg is "lovely."
They certainly seemed very close as they left London's Atlantic bar at the
weekend, when Greg affectionately touched Mel's stomach.
The lovey-dovey couple were out on the town with McAteer and fellow
footballers Les Ferdinand and Jamie Redknapp, and All Saints stars Nicole
and Natalie Appleton.
One friend says: "Mel and Greg are both obsessed with fitness and seem very
close. They were all over each other on Saturday.
"Greg's work means he's often in LA and it's no coincidence that Mel's been
there a lot lately."
Mel is the only Spice Girl not in a serious relationship.
Newlyweds Mel B and Jimmy Gulzar have just had baby Phoenix Chi, pregnant
Posh Spice is marrying David Beckham this summer and Emma is in a long-term
relationship with Jade from Damage.
I reckon Mel and Greg are a match made in heaven. I'm sure they're
rigorously exercising at every opportunity!
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Paul Byatt, again...
From The People, 14th March 1999:
SPORTY Spice Mel C is having a secret romance with Brookside actor Paul
Mel, 24, has fallen head over trainers for hunky Paul, 27, the Scouse soap's
Mike Dixon. The couple met while watching Liverpool play at Anfield.
Although they were spotted snogging in a club they have always denied that
they were courting.
But last night a close friend of Mel's revealed: "I've never seen her like
this before.
"They spend every moment together and Paul has practically moved into Mel's
apartment in Liverpool's Albert Dock.
"Mel told me at the start that they would deny any rumours. But now they are
love's young dream."
Another friend recently overheard Mel saying: "It looks like it's my turn to
have a sprog next."
Mel refused to confirm the romance last week when she opened a health club
in Albert Dock.
But she said, with a wink: "Paul and I are very good friends."
Hmm... The Sun reported just 2 days prior to this:
MEL C gave a surprise performance of Spice Girls hit 2 Become 1 in the
middle of a packed restaurant.
Sporty Spice was accompanied by the resident pianist at trendy Jalon's in
Diners were even more startled when Mel, who was dining with a girl pal, was
joined for a couple of verses by actor Paul Byatt, Brookside's Mike Dixon.
One client tells me: "It's not every day you get one of the biggest pop
stars in the world to do a free show in a restaurant with a top soap star
backing her.
"There was a lot of applause. Everyone was amazed."
If she really was just dining there with a girl friend, then Paul being there
as well seems a little coincidental... Could it be that she's finally found
her Mr Right? Before we all start celebrating (or weeping), let's not forget
Jake Davies... she's appeared to find her Mr Right once already, and it
didn't seem to work out then. Better luck this time Melanie!
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Melanie gives us some answers...
From OK! Magazine, 2nd April 1999:
Paul Byatt: "We've been on a few dates, but it's nothing serious."
and Gregory Joujon-Roche: "I've got a trainer in America, and no, I'm not
dating him, which I read in the paper. How embarrassing! He's
my trainer, full stop."
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